Chapter 11

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I woke up in the hotel bed the next morning. I was still in Jack's arms. I was so relieved that he was still here, I thought maybe he would have left. Jack was softly massaging my head and playing with my hair, twirling it around his finger and running his hands through it. I don't know why but I always found it comforting and soothing having someone massage my head and play with my hair. 

"Good morning, beautiful girl" Jack said looking down at me

"Morning handsome" I smiled 

"Did you sleep well ?" Jack asked

"I did indeed, did you sleep well ?" I asked

"I had the best sleep in ages" Jack replied

"What time do you have to leave ?" I asked

"Want rid of me already ?" Jack asked trying to sound hurt

"No, I was just wondering if you maybe had time to get something to eat ?" I asked

"I've always got time for you Lace" Jack replied

I smiled at his response.

"Someone's very smiley and happy this morning" Jack commented

"Well I did spend last night in this amazing guy's arms and he was still here this morning when I woke up" I replied with a smile

"Now she tells me, do I know this amazing guy ?" Jack asked

"You know I'm talking about you" I laughed

"I'm glad you think so highly of me" Jack said with a cheeky grin

"Seriously, I'm surprised you stayed and are still here" I said looking up into his beautiful dark brown chocolate eyes

"I meant what I said about wanting to give us a go and always making time for you Lace" Jack said in a serious tone

"I want to give us a go too, I really do but how will it work when I have to go back home ?" I asked

"Well we have each other's number so we can call and text each other, I can always travel over to yours and your always welcome at my place" Jack said 

"Okay shall we get ready to go out for breakfast ?" I asked

"Can't we stay here a bit longer ?" Jack asked, holding me closer and tighter to him

"We can't stay here all day" I laughed

"But I don't want to move" Jack tried to protest

"Aren't you tired of cuddling me ? You've been cuddling me all night" I laughed

"I'd hold you and cuddle you forever if you'd let me" Jack said as he nuzzled his face into my neck

"I'd love that but we need to eat" I laughed as I moved to get up

"Fine okay, but you owe me" Jack said as he moved to get up

I got my clean clothes out and changed in the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth in the process before I walked back into the room.

"Bathroom's free if you need to use it" I smiled to Jack

Jack ended up washing his face to freshen up but something caught my attention, the water was running and it sounded like he was brushing his teeth but I didn't think he had purchased or even brought his toothbrush with him.

"Jack, what are you doing ?" I asked

"Just finishing brushing my teeth" Jack replied

I waited for him to come out the bathroom before I quizzed him more

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