Chapter 6

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Yesterday after we arrived and checked in, we decided it was best just to stick close by and check out the shops rather than venturing off after the long journey here. I ended up falling asleep really easy and very quickly. Today was a new day, a new adventure awaits me. I woke up early after a peaceful nights sleep. I already had my choice of clothes out for today, I placed them on the hotel chair that was in the room by the little dresser / vanity bit. I took a quick shower to freshen up, putting my hair up into a messy bun for the time being as I didn't want to get my hair wet. I would wash it later when we came back from wherever we decided to go today. 


"Come on Lace, just try one" Jason begged for the thousandth time.

Him and the others thought it was fun to find out where the rollercoasters where. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind them, if people like them and want to ride them that's up to them. I just personally didn't like them, they scared me and after watching one of the Final Destination movies where the rollercoaster breaks and people died. That also put me off going on one. 

"No thanks, Jase, I don't like them, they scare me, especially after that Final Destination movie" I said shrugging

"Lace, that was just a movie, it doesn't happen in real life" Jason pointed out

"I haven't got the stomach for them, going fast, being turned upside down, you don't want me to embarrass you" I said

"Fine. We won't go on them then" Jason said annoyed

"You can all go on them, I will be fine here, I'll browse the shops or look around" I offered

"You really wanna just be left here on your own ?" Jason asked 

"I'm not on my own, I have my phone to let you know where I'll be" I try to bargain with him

"Are you seriously sure ?" Jason asked

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner

"Yes Jason, go have fun with your friends. I'm not here to ruin your holiday, I'd prefer water slides to roller coasters anyway. Besides I wanna get some pictures of this beautiful place and explore a kittle on my own" I say

"Okay if your certain" Jason said yet again

"Yes, I am, now go and have fun with your friends, I will be having my own fun here safely on solid ground and not mid air" I joked

Jason eventually  went off with his friends to have fun riding all the different roller coasters and whatever else they could find. I on the other hand spent time by looking in the various shops. There was a little tourist shop that I popped into and picked up a few things from there. I managed to pick up a book with various places to visit near by, where to get some amazing views, romantic spots etc. I had managed to pick up a few bits and pieces of clothing and some other stuff for myself as well as finding a cute little gift for my mum to take back to her. 

Once I had finished shopping, I headed back to the hotel to put my stuff in my room, I texted Jason to let him know but he never answered or replied. I decided to sit in my room for a bit and chill. I switched on the tv and found a horror movie channel. I left it on since it suited me. I decided maybe now would be a good time to read my unread texts and other messages. When I say unread, I really just mean all the messages that Nathan has sent me. 

text 1 - Hey, why didn't you tell me you were going away on holiday with your cousin ?

I had already seen that text but just didn't reply to it and I still haven't. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him at the moment. I sighed to myself as I continued to scroll threw the unread messages.

text 2 -  Did you arrive safely at your holiday destination ? X 

Why did he put an X for a kiss at the end of that text ? Guys are so confusing. He clearly told me that he liked someone else, another friend or something. Guess I was just his little practice buddy, help him talk to a girl, build his confidence. 

text 3 - Hey, are you okay ? You haven't answered any of my texts, I'm worried about you, please answer soon, if you can X 

Again with the X at the end of the text. I had a few more texts all similar to the previous ones. I rubbed my temples on my head. I take a few minutes to myself to think about what I'm going to say back to him. I don't want to bring his girl friend into anything. I decide to send him a quick text but not give anything away. 

Text Message Back - Hi Nathan, sorry been busy having lots of fun with my cousin and friends. Hope your having fun. 

I re-read it over again before quickly hitting send. I wasn't nasty or harsh with the text. I put my phone down on the table and picked up my bottle of still lemon and lime flavoured water that I bought. I loved my lemon and lime flavoured water but the one I had picked up here was amazing, especially since it was chilled. I also preferred the still water compared to the sparkling stuff. I know, I'm a very fussy and complicated girl. No wonder I'm single right. I thought about diving into the welcoming looking bed and having a nap but I knew if I did that then chances are, I wouldn't sleep tonight. I know that for a fact because I have done that a few times before. I pick up my black denim jacket and pull it on before grabbing my phone and head back out. 

I walked around for a bit and ended up at a park, it wasn't too far out or away from the others. In the middle of the park, there was a massive water fountain. It looked absolutely beautiful. I took my phone out and snapped a few pictures of it. I couldn't wait to show my mum all the pictures I have taken of this beautiful place. I sat down on a bench and looked through the pictures I have taken so far. I was looking at a picture, deep in thought when suddenly a bird flew out of a tree and flew past me. I followed it as it flew, to my left, in the direction of the forest. I kept my gaze on the forest for a bit, I don't know why but it felt like something was pulling me to that forest. I could feel my curiosity kicking in. Something inside me wanted to go and check it out. It was getting late but it was still light outside, plus I had the others to consider, Jason would flip if he found out I went into a forest on my own, especially if I get lost in there. 

I sat for a few more minutes debating with myself before deciding to just go and have a quick look. I got up and put my phone away in my pocket. I had my head down, not looking at where I was going, suddenly my small frame came crashing into another person but they were strong and didn't seem much bothered. 

"Sorry" I say quickly trying not to feel anymore embarrassed

"Lacey ?" A male voice asked

Confused, I slowly looked up, only to see two dark brown chocolate eyes staring down at me, I also noticed that this stranger also had his arms wrapped around me to save me from falling. It took me a few minutes to realise what was happening and who had caught me. 

"Jack" I said as I stared back at him

Author's Note 

Hey everyone ! Here is chapter 6 for you all :) I know another update tonight after last night but it is my birthday on Sunday and I don't know when I will get to update again for you all ! I have kind of just introduced Jack in the last bit of this chapter, he will be properly introduced in the next chapter, I'm very excited for Jack's character to come into this story ! I hope you all like / love Jack (or his character) ! I hope you all do enjoy this chapter, I will start writing chapter 7 as soon as I can ! I really hope people enjoy this book / story as I really want this one to pick up like my last book / story did. Thank you to everyone who has given this story a read so far <3  Until next time


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