Chapter 19

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I was currently sat by Lacey's bedside at the infirmary at the pack house. Luckily for us, Jacob managed to get back to the pack house safely and unnoticed or followed. Once he got back, he told Corey about the situation and that Callum and I would need a ride back. Corey sent two of the older members in a family car to come and get us. Callum sat up front with Danny and Mikey, they all spoke while I sat right at the back in the seven seater with Lacey's head on my lap as she slept. Once we got here, I took Lacey straight to our infirmary.

"What happened ?" Dr Paul Thomas asked when he seen me with Lacey in my arms.

I placed Lacey down on one of the hospital beds before I explained the whole situation to him, how I found Lacey at that guy Nathan's house and that he had injected her with something but I didn't know what. 

He insisted that I waited outside in the waiting room while he ran some medical tests on her. I didn't want to leave her but I knew I had too. It was so stressful not knowing anything, what was going on, what Nathan did to her before I got to her, what he injected her with, if she was going to be okay, the list was endless. It was a few hours before doctor Thomas emerged from the room, carrying a file. I guessed that to be Lacey's patient file, he had a serious look on his face. 

"What's the news Doc ?" I asked, getting up from the seat.

"She's still asleep for now, she was injected with a date rape drug which is why she fell unconscious" Paul began to explain

"Oh god" I said as I ran my hands over my face

"Don't worry there was no sign of anything sexual, I had a female nurse check her over" Paul explained

"Thank god for that" I said

"It seems you got to her in time before anything could happen, she does have some bruising on her arms and shoulders" Paul finished

"So is she going to be okay ?" I asked

"I see no reason why she shouldn't make a full recovery, she may be a little shaken at first but give her time" Paul says before he walks off

"Can I go in ?" I asked before he disappeared

He turned back to me and nodded, giving me permission to enter the bedroom. So here I currently am, sitting by Lacey's side, praying that she wakes up soon, gently stroking her hair, I knew how much she loves someone running their hands through her hair. I was lucky, Corey had managed to get some of the other's to cover my patrol shifts. 

I sat there next to Lacey, holding her small hand in mine, her skin was so soft I gently rubbed my thumb over the top of her hand. I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice Lacey opening her eyes. It was when she started to move that really caught my attention. 

"Lacey ?" I said as she opened her eyes and looked at me

"J-Jack ?" she managed to croak out

"Yes it's me, your safe, your in the hospital, let me just get the doctor or a nurse for you to come and check you over" I say going to leave but Lacey weakly grabbed hold of my hand

"N-no p...please don't leave me" Lacey whispered

I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was scared. I leaned back down to her. 

"Hey, your back at my place, in the pack house, your safe here, no one can hurt you here, I just need to get someone to check you over, I'll only be gone for a moment then I'll be right back here beside you" I told Lacey in my best comforting voice

She nodded and let go of my hand. I walked out and looked for either a nurse or Paul. My prayers were answered when a nurse walked out of the staff room.

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