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Genre: ?

This is my entry for the MiChaeng Birthday Project on Twitter :D

"Sorry, Chaeyoungie, I need to go back to my apartment now." Mina apologizes sincerely, pecking the forehead of her sweet lover softly. The couple was just drowned in their pure moment, watching a romantic comedy movie Mina proposed to kill their boredom of just staying in their shared apartment all day long. Chaeyoung turns to face the older girl, a pout slowly forming on the blonde girl's plump lips as she looks at the brunette with soft pleading eyes.

"Can't you just stay an hour more pweaseee~ It's almost finished, we can't just leave it alone like this." Chaeyoung whines childishly and snuggles herself against Mina's neck, her pout still maintained.

Although the two share an apartment, Mina has her own one for some reasons she doesn't even tell her girlfriend.

Chaeyoung is confused, and sad. Everyday, the two lovers never get to sleep together no matter how hard they try. Since a few years ago, whenever the clock hits 6:45 at dusk, where the twilight stars start showing themselves and dance merrily across the skies, Mina excuses herself to go back to her apartment, and only returns to their shared one 8 in the morning, when Chaeyoung's still asleep. She finds it odd that the Japanese has to have a certain schedule for her leave and her return.

"I'm really sorry, Chaeyoungie, I really am. I promise I'll make it up to you, I promise one day we can sleep together in bed again." Mina assures the younger girl and gives another peck, in fact three more pecks on Chaeyoung's forehead before eventually uniting their lips that danced in sync together.

She looks at Chaeyoung who is wordless with a small pout, and sighs before standing up and fixing the hair, looking at the movie still playing on TV.

"Don't finish the movie without me, arasseo? We'll watch it together tomorrow." Mina grins.

"Please come back as early as you can, Minari. I really can't stand living here alone without you." Chaeyoung purses her lips, clasping her hands together before standing up as she walks to Mina, hugging her lover tightly as she cherishes her ever so relaxing fragrant scent, a scent that makes her feel like she's home.

Mina can't help but smile warmly, using her left hand to gently caress Chaeyoung's back while she looks at the night sky through the window, the Moon boasting its dazzling beauty and the clouds that dress it. She knows the blonde is hurt deep inside because of her constant excuses and absence.

Couples sleep together in the same bed, engage in warm everlasting cuddles, talk about their future, and just express their love for each other, and she despises the fact that she can't do the same with Mina. However, she's sure she will understand Mina sooner or later, she knows she will, because they trust each other.

Mina looks at Chaeyoung one last time and kisses her plump lips lovingly again before putting on her coat and walking towards the door, pressing on the pin numbers and opening it as she leaves the room.

Silence engulfs the entire room as Chaeyoung is alone once more, her lover back into her own apartment. She can still hear Mina's footsteps echoing in the halls before eventually fading into tiny little taps, and sighs as she walks back to the sofa, seeing the paused movie and turning it off, switchinh the TV off as well. She slouches on the sofa and lets out a long heavy sigh of complaint.

"I just want a normal love life with her." she mumbles to herself lazily while massaging her temple. She reaches out to grab her phone on the table beside her and opens her Instagram, scrolling through random posts and liking them even if she isn't actually really paying attention. She just needs something to get her mind's attention. Focusing on one thing for too long will suffocate her.

She tells herself to try follow Mina and see what she's up to, but whenever she does they end up in heated arguments and give each other the cold shoulder treatment. Chaeyoung doesn't want that of course, it's irritating to the point it's pointless and boring. Mina's excuses are always the same— busy, stuff and work to do, and sometimes she says the apartment can't take care of its own without her. What Chaeyoung doesn't get is why would she have her own apartment when they have this shared one together. She doesn't understand the point of it.

"That's it. I can't stand this. I need to know what she's up to." Chaeyoung mumbles to herself out of annoyance and shuts her phone off, standing up abruptly as she wears her black hoodie and puts on her long trousers. She keeps her phone in her pocket and leaves her apartment, heading for Mina's while trying hard to remember where it's located. It has now turned 7 at dusk, and the stars become even brighter than before, as if encouraging her to keep moving forward and settle things with her lover.

Chaeyoung takes a deep breath, assuring herself that everything will work out just fine. She continues walking and walking, putting the puzzle pieces back together as she searches for the Japanese's apartment. She thanks the gods above when her effort finally pays off. She has finally found Mina's apartment right in front of her, and doesn't hesitate to enter it.

She still remembers her lover's room. 24 Level 3, just like her birthday, how adorable. Chaeyoung's pitter patter footsteps echo lightly in the halls as she finally arrives at Level 3, her eyes looking around here and there as she looks for a certain room.

"21, 22, 23, ah, 24." Chaeyoung mumbles in excitement when she finally sees the room number. She walks to the door, but halts her steps when she sees a paper on the door, a sign.


She reads the words clearly, the yellow paper that is glued firmly to Mina's room's door.

It doesn't take a while until crystal tears start forming on Chaeyoung's glassy eyes, lingering there for a split moment before eventually leaving her eye sockets and falling down to the wooden floor droplet by droplet, wetting it.

"I remember now." Chaeyoung grins bitterly as her grip on her shirt intensifies. "I'm sorry, Minari. I...I just can't forget about you.." she starts sobbing intensely, her knees weakening which causes her to fall to the floor, still sobbing desperately.

While she is crying her eyes out, the ghost of the Japanese girl who was murdered in her apartment room 24 at 6:45 p.m. stands beside the door, looking at her still grieving girlfriend as she quietly sobs too.

Sorry if this book hasn't been taken care for so so long TvT
I'm busy with my MiChaeng FFs hehe

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