Penguin's Sulk

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Genre: ?

"Minari, I promise you I'll be fine." Chaeyoung reassured her girlfriend who seemed to be worried that she would go out with her friends alone, without the protective penguin. She noticed her concern on her face and sighed for one more time. "Gwaenchana, Minari, I'll be one hundred percent okay."

It took some time for her girlfriend to finally let her hang out with her friends, as Mina let out a small sigh of surrender and nodded slowly.

"Arasseo, be safe, and please be very very careful with strangers. Your one hundred percent okay better be one hundred percent true."

"Nde, Minari!" Chaeyoung saluted jokingly while giggling.

"I'm serious, dear, I don't want a news saying that a tiger cub got kidnapped by some freaks." the japanese girl rolled her eyes. "Promise me you'll not be a complete idiot for me, arasseo?" she showed her pinky finger. Chaeyoung giggled playfully and soon enough, their pinky fingers were already intertwined as they made their promise.

"I promise!" she said and they released their hands together. "I'll get going now, Minari. Annyeong!" she smiled and opened the door. As soon as Chaeyoung closed the door, and all that was left was only silence, Mina heaved a sigh while massaging her temple, trying her very best to calm herself down.

"Control your expressions, Mina, she's just hanging out with Dahyun and Tzuyu, nothing bad will happen to her." she chanted repeatedly in her mind. "Repetition is a key." she said to herself. Three seconds later, she was already finishing a skimmed milk in small gulps due to her nervousness.

Mina walked to their sofa and gave her body up to it as she lay there comfortably while taking her remote, turning the tv on as she played whatever channel she could find in the electronic appliance.


"There you are." Tzuyu, the tallest among the girls, exclaimed when she and Dahyun spotted Chaeyoung running towards them. They squinted their eyes to get a better look at the middle girl between them, and also the shortest one. "Thank god there were no other people beside you, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see you." she joked.

"Meanie, at least I'm here." Chaeyoung huffed and folded her arms. "I'm late again, aren't I?" she chuckled as she checked on her wristwatch on her left hand. Even without Tzuyu and Dahyun nodding at her, the short girl already knew it's a confirmed yes. She sighed. "Yeah, mian. Minari's a bit clingy these days, I dunno why." she giggled.

"Your japanese girlfriend? Well at least you're very lucky to have such a gorgeous gal like her to be yours. If I were you, I would be very happy. God, such a perfect divine being you got there, Chae." Dahyun wowed while looking up. Chaeyoung who was feeling a bit jealous pinched her friend's arm and glared at her.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend you're talking about, Dubu." she scoffed while pouting adorably like a little child, after all, that's what she was according to everyone. Dahyun smiled and giggled apologetically.

"Just sayin' facts though." she shrugged. "Anyway, Tzuyu found a pretty good chinese restaurant not so far from here. Maybe we should give it a try. Say, maybe we can go to the market after that?" she suggested.

"Market sounds like a good idea, what about you, Tzuyu-ah?" Chaeyoung looked at the youngest yet the tallest girl among them, soon her glance accompanied by Dahyun. Tzuyu hummed, and then she gave them a nonchalant shrug.

"What about the theme park? That sounds more fun." she gave her idea. "We'll probably go there for about an hour after the restaurant. Besides, I don't wanna keep Sana waiting alone at home." she chuckled. Chaeyoung nodded as an agreement, because she just loved theme parks so much, and Dahyun looked down in a playful sign of sadness.

"Yah, why am I the only one here who is single?" she whined, followed by the other two girls' endless laughs.


"The foods here are really nice, Tzuyu-ah, you really do have a good taste for foods." Dahyun praised while slurping the noodles. Tzuyu managed to suppress her giggle and smiled as a gratitude towards her friend.

"How about you, what do you think of the foods here, Chae?" the taiwanese girl looked at Chaeyoung who was busy eating the dumplings with chopstick, the girl seemingly struggling to hold the two sticks.

"Yeah they're pretty delicious. Pretty edible, I must say." she said while humming.

"All the foods here are edible, pabo-ya." Tzuyu rolled her eyes while chuckling. "Home foods are the best kind of foods." she stated. Dahyun the the tall girl soon engaged in a sharing laugh because of their silly friend, while Chaeyoung could only chuckle at how precious her best friends were to her. She smiled while looking at the foods.

"I hope Minari won't be angry if I go home late." she shook her head nervously.


"Aish she told me she's only going to be out for a while. It's been two hours, dang it." Mina huffed while walking around their house. It was already in the afternoon, and Chaeyoung hadn't come home yet, which somehow worried Mina a little. She knew she shouldn't be this protective and jealous, but she couldn't help herself.

"If she comes home late, then I will give her a little punishment." she smirked as she thought of something while walking beside a cabinet, opening the drawer as it revealed a bunch of stuffs used for something else.

Hehehehe what do you think will happen?

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