Multiversal Romance Series: Scent

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Another entry for my MiChaeng Birthday Project on Twitter.

Mina loved her, Mina loved Chaeyoung, everything about that particular girl.

It could be said that she loved and wanted her so much that she almost forgot about everything, about her own life, because Chaeyoung was one of the reasons for her life grew flowers and rainbows.

The Japanese girl's life, which was used to be filled with nothing but void and misery with the death of her parents, became colourful when the girl named Son Chaeyoung came to her grasp. Chaeyoung had managed to grow a perfect flower in Mina's barren and dying land.

Son Chaeyoung had made Mina believe that love was the answer to everything, that life was beautiful on a closer look.

One day, she asked her out on a date, and that was when the flower seed had begun to form itself in Mina's soul that was dry as if it had been infected by a plague. She helped the Japanese girl rediscover her formerly cheerful and sparkly self once again.

Chaeyoung took her on ice skating, sat on swan boats near the lake, watched the theater together as if the world belonged to them and them both only.

Mina's flower seed reached the peak of its beauty and had become a beautiful and bright flower when one fateful day, their lips touched and danced in sync.

Mina's canvas, which was once plain white, had turned into a magical work of art that was worth showing off to the world. The love that the girl gave to Mina was the paint that decorated the canvas.

For the first time in many years, Mina was finally able to feel happiness again, even though it's that simple. Even though it was just a kiss and a warm hug, she was able to feel how it felt to love and be loved sincerely. At that time she realized that she wanted Son Chaeyoung and Son Chaeyoung only.

Since then their love story had blossomed perfectly. The two girls who loved each other never gave up on each other. Mina loved Chaeyoung, and so did Chaeyoung who loved Mina sincerely like how real couples would love.

They were both like soulmates who completed each other. Chaeyoung was the key to Mina's door to her happiness, and the Japanese girl would never be more grateful to have her as her lover.

Mina adored many things from Chaeyoung. Her smile that stood up the most amongst all the other smiles of everyone else in this mortal world, her laugh that lit up her day, her sweet words that calmed her frivolous and vulnerable heart.

However, the one thing Mina would never forget was the scent of the girl who was otherworldly and ethereal, Chaeyoung's scent was like the scent of various fragrant flowers that greeted her warmly on bright mornings, waiting for a beautiful day to start.

Whenever the two lovers hugged each other and spilt their love which was like burning fire that could even burn the Sun, Mina felt as if she was at home when Chaeyoung's soothing and joyous scent embraced her warmly.

She couldn't describe the fragrance clearly, all he could say was that Son Chaeyoung's scent was the only thing that could make Mina the happiest girl in the Universe.

Mina still remembered the time when Chaeyoung gave her the scarf she always wore, and every time Mina wore it, the scent of the scarf brought memories and images to the Japanese girl that Chaeyoung was there, and that she would always be by her side.

How lucky Mina was to have this girl named Son Chaeyoung, she thought.

Mina, who was relaxing in her own house, slowly walked to the table that was standing beside her bed, and carefully picked up her phone which was placed on the table. She took a deep breath and activated her cell phone, pressing the "Call" button while looking at the name that appeared on one of her few contacts.


Mina smiled at the name that appeared, and without wasting any time further, she pressed the name and brought the cell phone to her ear, waiting patiently while listening to the beeping sound of her phone.

"Hello Minarii~"

Listening to Chaeyoung's cheerful voice on the other line brought an indistinct feeling to Mina's chest, her heart immediately beating fast like the rhythm of a song, the same beat when her lover was by her side. Mina was very happy to hear the girl's voice, and she swore she felt butterflies in her belly, an indescribable feeling.

"Hello Chaeyoungie, how's it been?" Mina asked calmly, smiling softly when she heard Chaeyoung answer her 'Yes' cheerfully like a child. "Have you seen the gift yet? I was struggling to find it, I travelled the whole Seoul just to get it for you." she chuckled.

"Yep, seen it, Minarii, I really love it!" Chaeyoung squealed excitedly. "The plushie is sooo adorable! Not to mention it's a little tiger cub." the younger girl bursted out laughing at how much Mina knew that she really liked and resembled a tiger. "I'll buy a present for you too, just wait for it hihihi~" she giggled.

"Aww don't even bother Chae, I've got a lot of penguin plushies and even tigers too, you bought them for me, remember? Aren't they enough?" Mina refused jokingly, scratching the back of her head while she awaited the younger girl's response.

"Arasseo, Minari, but later let's eat at a restaurant, I found one good spot, trust me when I tell you it'll blow your mind." Chaeyoung exclaimed with a smile. Even though Mina couldn't see the smile of the girl she loved, she could feel it, her special smile was unmatched.

"Chaeyoungie" Mina called softly.

"Yes, Minari?" Chaeyoung hummed out of curiosity when she noticed that Mina's voice was a little softer than usual.

"Congratulations, by the way." Mina congratulated sincerely with a happy smile for the girl she loved. "For your baby." she added, her voice getting weaker in the end until it's just a mere whisper.

"Gomawo Minarii! You're the best! I'll call you again, please help me choose the baby's clothes later, arasseo? I'm really nervous!" Chaeyoung giggled in pure excitement and anticipation.

"Arasseo, you can call me anytime, annyeong." Mina said softly before proceeding to turn off the call, putting down her phone slowly back on the table. She fell into dead silence as the ambiance of her room hugged her coldly, as cold as ice.

Mina sat on her bed softly, silently lamenting her miserable fate. She harbored the pathetic pain of how life had played maliciously with the love story of the two girls that loved each other.

Mina and Chaeyoung loved each other so much, but fate unfortunately turned its back against them, denying their love outrageously. If only Mina had put more effort, if only she wasn't too drowned in her fear and instead fought for Chaeyoung when everyone else especially Chaeyoung's family judged their strong relationship, maybe, just maybe, she could rewrite her fate and live together with the girl she truly loved, just the two of them alone in their own world.

But it couldn't be helped, fate had decided, Mina could only receive the gift bestowed by life upon her in the form of needles that rained down on her soul and pierced her heart.

After Chaeyoung left her life and fell into the arms of somebody new, Mina's life, which was bright, cheerful and colorful for a moment, returned to a dry wasteland without anything, a void once again like how it used to be before Chaeyoung came into her life. The flower that Chaeyoung had grown in Mina's soul dried up and wilted to a withered plant too broken and undeserving to even be considered a flower

Mina's canvas, which Chaeyoung had once colored and painted beautifully, returned to plain white once again, even shattered and unable to be painted again permanently. The Universe seemed to be laughing and celebrating at the miserable fate that befell Mina, as if the Universe itselt wanted it

Mina was now lying on her bed, looking at the scarf Chaeyoung gave her when they were lovers. She smiled lightly and grabbed the scarf, hugging it tightly as she breathed in Chaeyoung's scent that still lingered there as if it never left.

Only Chaeyoung's scent that felt like home was the sole evidence left behind from their love story which was now but a mere history that would soon be forgotten.

That's all Mina could only save from Chaeyoung's leave which took away the entirety of her joy.

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