Nothing Should Be This Bright

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A few minutes of contemplation ensued. For once, my ever running brain went blank. "So what... you go around wrapping presents and sleeping in logs?" He's still sketchy. Also, is this considered gaslighting?

"Logs," he said, more of a statment than a question. He has no right to look confused right now. "Is that what- Well, whatever. Hm, would it help if I show you?"

"Woah, woah. Not that type of girl."

"I don't know what you mean but-" He pulled out a slender silver wand with intricate carvings etched into the sides. At the tip, a small, round crystal sparkled in the sunlight "-I think I can take you to one of our cities."

"Sick! Do I get a magic wand?" It almost made up for the elf thing.

He rolled his eyes. Rude ass. "It's not a magic wand. It's a pathfinder."

"Don't be rude and same shit." I was ignored.

He spun the crystal and locked it into place with the silver latch at the top. "Now, this can be dangerous. Do you promise you'll do exactly what I tell you to do?"

"What does that mean?" I sent him a look. I can't say I didn't step back.

"Get your mind out of the gutters, jeez." Notice that I didn't say anything that time. "I meant you need to take my hand and concentrate on holding on. And by concentrate, I mean you can't think about anything else, no matter what happens. Can you do that?"

"No promises." Remember that probable undiagnosed ADHD? God got me fucked up. "I can't concentrate for the life of me."

You're probably thinking the normal thing to do is run away from the crazy person. Maybe. But I'm also a crazy person and I want to see the magical elf land.

Call me basic but I'm picturing lots of leaves.

All I have to do is hold his hand. Perfect, except I don't like touching people. I guess I'll suck it up for the sake of not dying. -and seeing Magic Elf Land.

I took his hand and hoped I didn't screw myself over. "Well?"

"We go on three," he said, looking around.

He shot me a warning look, I knew he was sick of me, and I scowled at him. I bit my tongue before I said something to make him drop me and not take me to the magic elfy land, concentrating on holding his hand. It was more difficult than I thought.

"One," he counted, raising the wand. Sunlight hit a facet in the crystal and a bright beam refracted toward the ground.

"Two." He tightened his grip, why'd I let him touch me again? I closed my eyes.


Fitz pulled me forward into who knows what and a warm sensation filled my body. It felt like feather tickling me, I had to stop myself from laughing. I was being humiliated right now I just know it.

I concentrated on Fitz, but where was he? I knew I was clinging to him, but it felt like my body had melted into goo, and the only thing keeping me from oozing away was a blanket of warmth wrapped around me. Cheezey, I know. Then, faster than the blink of an eye, the warmth faded, and I opened my eyes.

And I must say I'm impressed, slightly freaked but that's not important.

We stood at the edge of a glassy river lined with impossibly tall trees, fanning out their wide emerald leaves among the puffy white clouds. Across the river, a row of crystal castles glittered in the sunlight in a way that would make Walt Disney embarrassed to call his "kingdom" magical. To my right, a golden path led into a sprawling city, where the elaborate domed buildings seemed to be built from brick-size jewels-each structure a different color. Snowcapped mountains surrounded the lush valley, and the crisp, cool air smelled like cinnamon and chocolate and sunshine. Okay, I was hungry, shut up.

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