I Fuck Up. In A Good Way! Maybe.

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One of my worst insults come straight from the heart: Please choke on your own lungs. I've been there, it hurts. If I could tell that to Stina right now, I most definitely would.

That was completely unrelated to the current course of my tale but whatever.

"Wait, fuck, whaddapen." Everything sounded painfully slow like we were underwater and speaking of pain, this headache should not be possible.

"She curses in her sleep," someone's voice said from somewhere I couldn't pinpoint because of how disoriented I was.

Another voice replied, "I don't think she's asleep." I could hear a level of smugness in their voice.

I took this as my cue to crush their dreams. Metaphorically, in a way, I think. "That's right, I'm alive! Woo! I survived bitches! I... can't see." I could hardly hold my arms up to fist pump much less open my eyes.

"Take it easy, Sophie. Fitz hit his head but you passed out of exhaustion. It's very different," the first voice said. Something tells me I should listen to them but I still don't have enough energy to remember their voice. DON'T TRUST STRANGERS, KIDS!!!

"How is that different?" I slurred. "Knocked out either way. That's how it worked in the ring."

"What is she talking about- What are you talking about?" a second voice asked.

"The... boxing ring. I still can't open my eyes."

There was a clinking of glass the first voice came with, " Drink this, it'll wake you up a bit."

I attempted to give them a dirty look. As much as I can with my eyes fucking locked shut. "How do I know this isn't poison, strange person."

"Do you actually not know who's in front of you?" the second, smug voice asked.

"I'm too tired to recognize voices and I'm practically blind."

"Not too tired to sass people?" they teased.

"Never. Do you know me?"

"Not really but you're very interesting."

"I'll ignore that. Can I have the energy thing, though? I'm sick of this already." A small glass was placed in my hand and I smaller the sickenly sweet liquid inside. I heard a chuckle come from the same person as before so I'll assume I made a funny face at the taste.


"I'm not completely sure was a glitter bomb is but I want one." The smug voice—uh, Keefe said.

I tried at getting up. "I'll make one for you." As soon as I got up on my feet I fell right back down. "Damn, how long was I out?"

Elwin answered, "About a half-hour."

"HALF AN- Is We- Fitz alive?" Just checking, you know. Got to make sure I didn't fucking kill someone on accident. Just an average Tuesday.

"Yeah , until you try to kill him again."

"You're so funny, Keefe," I said sarcastically.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"He's fine," Elwin cut in before this turned into a  fistfight. "He's right there. Didn't you see him?"

I turned my head and he was indeed just laying there. "Look, in MY DEFENCE! I was blind until two minutes ago- Stop laughing!" Attention to Keefe who was currently losing his shit on the floor. I rolled my eyes. "You sure he's not dead? I mean, look at him. Plus, he hit his head pretty hard on the gym floor."

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now