The First Day Of School Was A Train Wreck. As Always.

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Time for the next milestone in my fucked up life!




Let me just say THE UNIFORM SUCKS! It's the worst thing besides the migraine I had trying to figure out what gadgets were school supplies. I mean, a blue pleated skirt with black leggings and shirt-vest-cape combo? Come on now. Step it up. But I wore it anyways.

Don't get me wrong, the outfit itself isn't bad BUT A CAPE? Get some help.

At least Dex had to look dumb with me. Except his was blue with a button-up jerkin and blue slacks WITH POCKETS at the ankles. The cape just fucked up the look.

"Hey, Captain Blueberry, ready to save the world?" I joked.

"Very funny. I admit the capes are stupid but it's a sign of status, you know."

"Ugh, this status thing again. Why do they love to show off?" Again with the stick up their asses. I swear to God.

"Well, they're the nobility so..." he shrugged.

"Tragic. What's with the weird animals?"

"Oh! Each level has they're own mascot. Ours is a halcyon, these dumb birds that can sense when a storm is coming. You're lucky you missed the opening ceremony. We looked like idiots." He laughed it off.

Not like dressing like an elephant sounded great or anything but I would pay to see that.

Dex went on to explain the mascots for each level and partially zoned out but it was interesting.

Apparently level eight gets a unicorn? Favoritism.

Dex had asked about the crest on my uniform but to be honest, I don't even know if I'm getting adopted so I played it off. Grady and Edaline were taking care of some 'manticore versus stegosaurus' fight so I stayed out.

"And people say my parents are weird," Dex laughed when I told him.

"Yep, it's super crazy around here. They're nice, though."

"They are," he agreed. "They used to throw these huge parties and invite everyone! Until the accident... they've been super quiet." Oh, yeah.

"Yeah, people take time to cope after deaths." I don't know how to continue. Please finish this topic.

Then again death seems to be a rare thing here so I'll not joke about a touchy subject.

"My mom thinks it'll be good for them, having you around," Dex told her. "Maybe they'll get over it."

"I don't think they'll 'get over it' but, eh." I shrugged.

There's a bit of a hole here so I'll explain. Dex said a few years ago there was some kid named Wylie whose mom died and dad got exiled, that's why he knows about adoption. And that Sir Grumpy- I mean Tiergan adopted him.

Okay! Moving on.

We took the 'Leapmaster 500', which is basically industrial-sized Pathfinder, to school. Dex just called out the name and the crystals started turning and boom! We're in elfy private school.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD- A SCHOOL?" This was no school, it was someone's mansion. A stone courtyard with a huge ass glass pyramid in the center and the main building wrapped around it in the shape of a 'U'—MADE ENTIRELY OF STAINED GLASS.

To the left was an amphitheater and two other buildings made of the glowing stone from Luminaria. To the right was two towers, gold and silver, that twisted around each other. And the grass was purple. Is that even healthy?

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