A Pixie And A Broomstick

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Every Tuesday and Thursday the whole school had Physical Education together, which is kind of insane when you take the number of us into consideration. A whole school? And it's the only session that wasn't one-on-one. My goal here is to, and ONLY to, put Stina in her place—and probably not get my ass handed to me by a random super elf.

The locker rooms were outside, sandwiched between a huge field of purple grass and the amphitheater that looked like a domed Colosseum. As soon as I set foot through the door, hundreds of girls stopped talking to stare at me.


So I did the best thing. Sashayed (that's not a word?) down to what I HOPE is my locker 'cause if it's not that would be so embarrassing. Suprisingly, the door led to a personal changing area, complete with shower and vanity.

The uniform hung from a hook near the door: blue tunic, black leggings, black sneakers-finally something without a cape. I changed as fast as I could, swept my hair into a loose ponytail, and emerged into the main room just as Stina and her minions stalked by like they owned the place.

Stina laughed when she saw me. "I give the new girl six months before they ship her off to Exillium."

"I mean, at least I'm setting records. What are you doing? Terrorizing innocent kids for fun?" I was about to say more but a girl's voice cut across the room.

"And isn't that about how long your dad lasted, Stina?" she said, masking her retort in a tone if genuine curiosity. A-plus acting skills if I do say so, myself.

"You want to compare parents, Redek?" Stina hissed.

"Redek" was so tiny Stina looked like she could squish her but she didn't flinch. "My family may not be nobility, but at least we're not trying to fool anyone, unlike some people in this room."

"Take that back," Stina demanded.

"She will when you prove her wrong," I jumped in, flashing a shit-eating grin. Redek had a slight smile on her lips as she dragged me out of there. BUT I WASN'T FINISHED!

"You're the new girl, right? I've been wanting to talk to you. I'm Marella. Not Mare. Not Ella. No nicknames." Well, she's got her priorities straight. "I figured anyone who got Stina to hate her in less than a day is my kind of girl."

"Sophie." I made a face. "She hates me already, huh?" She has a right, I mean, but fucking Christ it's only the first day!

"You don't look surprised," Marella. pointed out.

"It's nothing new."

"Well, you're better off anyways. That girl is evil." She must be with the amount of people who's said that.

"I've heard. What'd she do for this level of karma?" For example: People were jealous of me but in this case I don't think anyone envied Stina.

Marella scoffed, "She thinks she's better than everyone just because her mom's an Empath for the nobility. Even thought her dad never manifested and she has a fifty-fifty chance of manifesting herself."

"Some nerve she has to treat people like shit over a status." How can you not hate that kind of person? What worse is that they never have a good sense of logic so you can't argue with them either! So not only are they no fun, you can't really talk sense into them. Pro tip: Just don't interact.

"Right? I can't wait to see you put her in her place!" Wait. Me? How did I get in the middle of this? "We've been waiting for someone to take her down. None of us could, not even Princess Prettypants Biana. You're the new variable—something no one expected—so you get to end Stina's reign of terror. Everyone's waiting for it."

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