This Is The Bikini Bottom. I Dont Take Criticism.

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"Where to?" the driver asked.

"Quinlin Sonden's office, please."

I leaned over and added quietly, "Take your time. Really."

The driver chuckled and flicked the reins. The giant scorpion thrashed its tail against the water, pulling us along.

"So, who's Quinlin? " I asked. Alden smiled, he smiles alot. You can never trust people who smile this much.

"He's the best probe I know. If anyone can slip into your brain, it's him."

"That's so creepy." I shook my head. Are they hearing themselves? Seriously. "Why Atlantis? Isn't it a little hard to reach?"

"It's because it's hard to reach. Atlantis is our most secured city. Anyone and anything that needs added protection is here. Including your file."

"I have a file?"

"A highly classified one."

"What's in it?"

"You'll see." Stop being so fucking mysterious all the time, will you?

"That's not creepy at all." And I was ignored, again.

I opened my mouth to ask another question, but Alden shook his head and pointed to the driver. I just wanted to know if we'd be getting food, jeez.

The carriage entered some sort of business district. The streets were packed with elves, all in long black capes, and the silver buildings stood taller than the others, with round windows tracing down the sides and glowing signs bearing their names. TREASURY. REGISTRY. INTERSPECIESIAL SERVICES. But half the signs were unreadable.

"I take it I'm the only one who can't read that random string of letters?"

"The runes?" Alden asked, following my gaze.

"If that's what they are."

"It's our ancient alphabet."

"You can't read it?" Fitz sounded too surprised. Being the clueless one was getting old fast.

Alden stroked his chin. "But you can tell they're letters?"

"Yeah, but it's giberish. Is that going to be a problem for school?" On the bright side I wouldn't a prodigy anymore. I get to chill in kindergarten.

"Nah, it's rarely used," Fitz said. Shit. "Only when they want to be fancy or something."

"Huh, okay."

"Reading should be instinctive, though" Alden mused. "But maybe your human education affected you somehow. We've never had anyone with your upbringing, so it's hard to say."

"Does that mean I get to do over kindergarten?"

"Of course, not."

"Damn..." The it popped into my mind that my parents still don't know about this stuff. "How-"

"No reason to worry, Sophie. We'll figure it out with testing." Not what I was going to ask but okay.

We turned down a narrow, quiet canal lined with purple trees with thick, broad leaves like kelp. The water dead-ended at a single silver building, a square tower with no windows or ornamentation, other than a small sign with precise white letters that read: QUINLIN SONDEN: CHIEF MENTALIST. All signs of life had vanished, and the small black door was closed tight. But the sea scorpion slowed to a stop and Alden took a small green cube from his pocket. The driver swiped it across the cuff above his elbow and handed it back to Alden after it made a tiny ping. Maybe it's like an elfy credit card or something. Do I get one? I would buy so many cats.

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now