My New Dad Is Tarzan. Probably

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"But 'stop' is such a weird word."

"Sophie, stop."

"See! Who came up with that?"

"You're delusional."

"I'm insightful."

He groaned and rolled onto the floor. When I said 'cry myself to sleep', what I really meant was cry for a few minutes, wait until my eyes aren't obvious anymore, then went to annoy Fitz.

Now I'm lying upside down on his sofa. Let me just say his room is a fucking mess. Everything is everywhere but I'm not one to judge if I'm not going to clean it.

I simply closed my eyes.

I don't know what time it is but definitely not early. I could check my phone, that was in my hand but why would I do that?

"What are you doing?" he asked me. Now, do I lie?

"Reading fan fiction."

"About what?"

"Uhh... Unimportant."


"Look at that! Isn't it breakfast time?" Gotta go fast! I ran out to the starcase. "Morning!" This isn't my house.

"Good Morning," Della said. At least I got a reply! Where is she, though? "How did you sleep?" By this time I was at the table and she appeared suddenly. I was not going to get used to that.

"I didn't!" She looked worried. "Don't worry. This is normal."

"It's not, though. Your body needs rest."

"I'll be fine." And I will be! I sat down. "What happens in Elfy Land today?"

She looked concerned but answered anyways. "Well, you're supposed to meet Edaline and Grady today," she said.

"Oh." New day, new house? "When?"

"Later this afternoon, maybe." Looking forward to it!

Della started putting out dishes of globby food I cannot name. I only know that it was delicious! Tasted like Hashbrowns and cheese.

After a while, Weirdo finally came down, along with Biana. "Took you long enough."

"I fell asleep," he sighed as she sat down.

"You look awful," Biana said.

"I didn't sleep."

"Blame me for that. You get used to it." I hummed.

"I don't think so." He was practically sleeping on the table.

"Why were you up?" Biana asked. There was an unspoken suspiciousness about it that I decided not to mention.

"I was bored."

"She was fighting with the word 'stop' for about an hour."

"It's so weird!"

Biana seemed to relax. "It is weird."

"See! Who decided it had to sound like that? It's gross."

"It makes my mouth uncomfortable, like eating something crunchy then you feel something soft."


"You're both crazy." Fitz mumbled, half asleep.

"We're soulmates," I huffed. "Platonically, anyways."

"Hm, sure." Biana hummed. Friend acquired!

We ate in silence for a while. I don't know when Alden came down but he did, he's here now. I'm a very awkward person when it comes to being in people's houses so I didn't really know how to act.

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