This Wasn't A Date I Was Joking

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The scenery started blurring. Even though I'm very cool, being told that everything I've ever known is wrong... That's a lot even for me!

Breathing became a chore, it always was but more of a chore. It reminded me of those videos "My life was a lie" but one hundred times more shocking.

Fitz nudged my arm. "Hey, it's not your fault. You believed what they taught you, I'm sure I'd have done the same thing. But it's time you knew the truth. This is how the world really works. It's not magic. It's just how it is." He doesn't get it.

I struggled to calm myself. Out of no where, castle bells chimed and Fitz pulled me behind a rock. "How many time do I have to say ASK before touching me-!" I cut myself off when two people, no elves, with floor-length velvet capes draped over their black tunics emerged, followed by tall, grey-skinned creatures that would scare Bigfoot marching in military formation down a down the rocky path.

They were at least seven feet tall and wore only black pants, leaving their thick muscles prominently on display. With their flat noses and that coarse gray skin, which fell in pleated folds, they looked part alien, part armadillo.

"Goblins," Fitz whispered. "Probably the most dangerous creatures you'll ever meet, which is why it's a good thing they signed the treaty."

"Then, why are we hiding?" I hate that I sounded scared.

"We're dressed like humans. Humans are forbidden in the Lost Cities-especially here; in Lumenaria. Lumenaria is where all the other worlds come together. Gnomes, dwarves, ogres, goblins, trolls."

"Then put on your elfy clothes and explain the situation? There are infinite other solutions." Don't they, like, carry clothes in a pipe sized wardrobe? Or is that the wrong fairytail? "Why are humans forbidden, anyways?"

"I'll ignore the first question but basically they betrayed us. The Ancient Councillors offered them the same treaty they made with all the intelligent creatures, and they agreed. Then they decided they wanted to rule the world, like it even works that way, and started planning a war. The Ancients didn't want violence, so they disappeared, forbid any contact with humans, and left them to their own devices. You can see how well that's working out for them." I rolled my eyes.

"Would you stop trashing on them for one second? My parents and sister are human, you know. But, I get the point." If he was going to keep acting like that I'm going to be as unreasonable as possible.

Plus, if everything he was saying was true, they weren't my race. I can make alien jokes now! Both my parents are human though, so... how did that work?

"The stories told by the humans who'd known us must've sounded impossible after we disappeared, and eventually they evolved into the crazy myths you've heard. But this is the truth, Sophie." Fitz pointed around them. "This is who you are. This is where you belong."

"You're getting hella cheezey."

"You're impossible."

"I know." I sighed. I needed to stop joking around for now. This was serious. "I'm an elf." No matter how many times I repeat it, it's still ridiculous.

"Yes." That wasn't a question but okay. I chose not to mention it.

I peeked through the rocks at the castle wondering how hard it would be to sneak in. Eat the rich. I still dont believe it—and it's right in front of me!

"Okay, let's say I believe you," I finally said. "What then?"

"Well, I'll have to tell my dad I found you-"

"More like you were being a creep," I interjected and was ignored.

"-and let him decide what to do next."

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now