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"You know what? Fuck this. I give up," I groaned. The class (session) was a bust and I'm not motivated enough to almost die every ten minutes. Sir Conley (bless him) stopped me from getting fucking electrocuted but STILL. He was also taking notes about how I bad I fucked up the assignment but whatever.

Not to mention the detentions I got. One for accidentally saying 'fuck' when I dropped the bottle, another for flipping off the sky in victory when I narrowly avoided that lightning bolt (CAN'T GET RID OF ME YET, GOD!) and another for flipping a table when I got frustrated.

I felt so powerful. I flipped a table.

Bronte's gonna be on my ass about that, I just know it but it was awesome.

"It's been one session, how bad was it?"

"I ALMOST FUCKING DIED?" Read the room Dex!

"Everyone gets electrocuted at least once," he said as if it was normal. It most definitely was not.

"Of course. Yeah. Sure. That makes sense." Oh, sweet sarcasm.

"It's really not a big deal. Plus, I can help you with the subjects you screwed up in." He cracked a smile.

"So motivational. You're such an angel." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"And that was just lightning. Wait 'til you get to tornadoes!"

"What? No way! You're all nuts." Horrible, actually.

"It's part of getting into the nobility, I guess. Don't ask why because I don't even know."

"Weird." Then I remembered, "What happened to your detention?"

Dex looked up from filling his tray with rainbow food. "I still have to eat."

"Makes sense... I'm bored, I want to cause chaos. This whole day is draining. Let's get into a car chase or something."

"First, no. Second, what's a car?"

"What do you mean 'what's a ca-? You don't have cars."

"Uh, no?"

"Oh my god!" How do you build cars? Can I do that? Lowkey, that sounds amazing; I can drive illegally and none of these people would try to arrest or 'exile' me because 'human laws' don't apply-

Let's stop.

Or should we?

"I don't like that look on your face."

"So, you want to help me build a car?"

"Sophie, what is a car?"

"I'll explain later," I sang. "Yes or no?"

Dex eyed me, suspiciously. "Ye-?"

"GREAT!" At the back of my head I could hear him mumble 'what did I just get myself into' as I looked around at the tables. Greatness, Dex. greatness.

He turned to the exit. "I hate you."

"LOVE YOU, TOO!" That was sure to turn some heads my way.

I think I just started a scandal!

"Why are you coming, though?"

"Did I forget to tell you about the three detentions I got?" Silly me.

"It's been one session. What did you do!?"

"I cussed, I flipped off the sky and flipped a table."


"YESSIR!" At this point we were turning a corner pass the atrium, heading straight for a dead end with a door. What I'm the middle school horror movie is this?

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now