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So I didn't do anything to the room—tragic, I know. I just packed away some clothes and then passed out on the carpet. At least it was comfortable.

Things we learned today: Carpets are better than beds, and sunrises are bright as fuck. Like tone it down fart cloud, some of us are still tired.

Seriously, the orange was burning into my eyelids. I would literally rather go blind. Easy solution though, I turned over. I lay there for a whole five seconds before getting up and going down stairs. Don't want to make a bad impression!

Turns out Grady and Edaline were making breakfast! Yum!

"Morrningggg!" Gotta start the day of energetically!

"Good morning," Grady answered. "Early riser?"

"Never!" I gasped. "I don't know how to close the shade thing." Grady found this funny apparently.

"Just clap twice."

"Fancy!" I planted into the chair next to him.

"How about some breakfast?" Edaline asked. She looked super tired and mood honestly. They looked like bruised, that dark.

I would describe breakfast but I didn't look at it before I ate it so, tough.

I was more paying attention to the scrolls Grady had in his hand. They had a symbol on them that i may or may not recognise. I don't even know, myself. It read 'Project Moonlark' which, before I realised it, I had said out loud. Big ass mouth always getting me in trouble.

"You can read that?" Grady seemed suprised do im guessing I wasn't supposed to. Great, another way my brain fucked me over.

"Yeah. Usually I can't, though. So, what is it?"

"Nothing you need to know." Obviously since I could read it I might need to know eventually but I didn't push it. Let's not mention that Alden said that that 'Soy Bean' nickname came from me saying Moonlark. But whatever.

I zoned out for a bit, trying to think of a reason as to why I could read those and not the normal ones. Another special thing about me. Hurray.

Edaline put her hand on my shoulder. "If you're ready to go, we should get the medicines Elwin prescribed." I have to go too? Okay, I guess.

I went up stairs and changed quickly into some jeans and a T-shirt. No dresses today! HALLELUJAH!

"Sophie, don't you think you should where something more elegant? You are going out after all."

"Elegant is uncomfortable. I don't mean to be difficult but you're not pulling me out of this one, sorry!" Edaline shook her head but said nothing.

As we were going out Grady said, "Say hi to Kesler for me," and Edaline groaned. Well this was going to be interesting.

We ended up on some preppy island called Mysterium which, apparently, is a working class city. Which is weird because the elves are supposed to be 'above another species' or whatever and they're still stuck in the eighteen hundreds. Tragic.

And another thing! The people here are wearing simple tunics and pants. PANTS! WHAT IS THIS UNFAIRNESS.

"They don't have to dress up." Even though I wasn't, I will probably be forced to eventually. I still complained but not to much so that she won't get sick of my ass too quickly.

"Its a sign of status. Our world is talent based so although everyone have the same amount of money at birth, there are jobs for simpler talents."

"So this is the new racist, huh? That's fucked up."

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now