Iggy The Imp - Origin

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It's no news that I was a menace at school in my fetus years, BUT THIS ISN'T IT! OH MY GOD.

I am well known in this place at least but that's only because Keefe can't keep his mouth shut. Did he tell every other person he meet about Galvin's cape or something? Actually, that does sound like a 'Keefe' thing to do.

THE TEACHERS ARE IN ON IT TOO! They've been fucking with me all day saying I'd burn the school down.


Not saying I WON'T burn the school down... Actually, let me keep those thoughts to myself. I'm cartwheeling on the line of 'terrorist'. No lawsuits this year please. I'M BEING A GOOD GIRL, GOD! WHERE'S MY RAINBOW?

In the simplest terms: I am the 'talk of the town' like the old ladies say. While having attention in fun and all, being stared at twenty-four/seven is not. Y'ALL ARE CREEPS!

Unrelated, not really, but my goal in life is to become like that one dude who doesn't need to speak to tell people stuff! Like, I could just 'transmit' the words straight to their heads. How fucking cool would that be? I won't have to interact with these people, thank whateverentityisnotstrikingmewithlightningrightnow.


One: Random people have invited me to sit with them at lunch. No, hear me out. Let me remind you that these people are some of the hottest people alive. Like, drop dead gorgeous. Iwillbeyourdogifyouwantmeto kind of gorgeous. Not to flex but I breathed the same air as them.

Two: The more I fit in at school, the less likely Bronte would feel the need to expel me. Grady was so grateful for this one. I know I'm going to fuck it up somehow but let's live in the present!

Maybe there are some other good things that I'm missing but they're irrelevant.

Contrary to popular belief, I am a good person. I SWEAR I AM! So I ended up stay at Marella's table after all my detentions were spent. Dex joined in and after a while so did Jensi.

Thank whateverentityisnotstrikingmewithlightningrightnow (I will say this everytime so get used to it.) , that Dex is such an amazing—call me a simp and I will end you—best friend and helped me with the school work because this shit is hard! It would even be allowed because in what world are fires and explosions a regular thing in alchemy? It sounds like something in one of my many fever dreams but I would like to keep it at that. A DREAM.

The Universe does not agree with me.

Neither does Lady Galvin. Excuse me if I have a lifetime of human knowledge to unlearn. She's just being an asshole for fun at this point.

She's going to make me do something illegal.

There's a lot of talking going on and not enough action so let me give you people a rundown of the month? I think. The days are blurring together. CUE THE MONTAGE MUSIC!

I had to catch wind in jars and bottle rainbows at one point. Which I colossally fucked up because my instincts were all wrong. That's something good to think about at three in the morning.

Telepathy was great surprisingly! Actually, it's not really surprising given that I've been using it for seven years but you get my point. It came naturally, as it should because I am amazing. Teirgan taught me how to block unwanted human thoughts, in case I went back to the Forbidden Cities again, and how to transmit my thoughts into someone else's mind. SCORE! I also learned this psychic photography thing where I project an image from my thoughts onto special paper. KISS MY ASS BRONTE!

I must declare Telepathy the coolest class. Along with giving Teirgan the 'Best Teacher' award.

It's very sad that I can't kick dirt in Stina's face. Not literally... yet. It's sad that I can't tell her "Suck it, I'm a telepath" and she'd leave me alone. No. I have to keep it a secret. Just my luck.

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