Prank Partner? PRANK PARTNER!

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"You must be lost."

-a deep voice said from somewhere infront of me and I almost shit my pants. "Cheese on a cracker, dude, I have a heart." I opened my eyes to a blond guy hovering over me, staring with curious (ice?) blue eyes. "What makes you think I'm lost?" I do not accept this negative energy.

He leaned back thoughtfully. "Well, considering your reputation, you could be skipping."

"I have a reputation?"

"You are the new girl, aren't you?" THE NAME HASN'T SPEAD YET BUT IT WILL!

"That I am. Sophie- I'm sure you knew that already."

"Yep. I'm Keefe."



"OH MY FUCKING GOD." Keefe flinched a little at the sudden raise in volume but smirked anyway. 

"I see my reputation held up."

I cocked my head to the side. "What reputation?" If im being honest, he did have his shirt untucked and the sleeve rolled up so I could assume he was the stereotypical 'popular bad boy' but something told me not to make assumptions so I shut off my brain. Or tried to.

He acted shocked and put a hand over his chest, face painted with fake horror. "I know you're new and you've been the biggest news to hit the academy since the Great Gulon Incident three years ago—which, by the way, I had nothing to do with." Something tells me he had everything to do with it. "But jeez."

"Well, yeah. I've only heard of you from Alden and Fitz and that's mostly them complaining about our unfortunate meeting in the future- BY THE WAY... We have to team up for pranks. I can hack the mics."

Keefe looked like he was struggling to keep up with my rambling. "Fitzy does talk about me!" He flashed a smile. "And totally! I was planning to break in and make 'Dame Alina' announce the she's hooked up with Sir Astin but if you hack it I don't have to risk getting caught. This is genius!" So, we both have the rambling problem. Sweet!

"Yeah, we'll make plans but uh..."

"You never did tell me if you were skipping," he pointed out.

I sighed. "No," I groaned. "Though, if I was I wouldn't be in this situation." I lifted my hand to show off the burn.

He winced. "That looks like it hurt. Healing Center?"

I got up carefully, my legs still hurt form wandering, and said, "Yep! Elwin's gonna kill me."

He started leading me down the hall, the total opposite of where I was going. Curse my bad direction. "How many times have you been there already," he chuckled. A pretty sound, but I never said that.

"Suprisingly, only once and that was because I was avoiding Stina. He's still gonna have my ass 'cause it hasn't even been a week!" Did I mention I hate doctors? Yeah, 'cause I still don't trust them yet.

"Stina does seem to have it out for you," he mused.

I sighed. As if I need that extra stress but hey! It's entertaining. "She's a menace and not the good kind. Where are you even supposed to be?" I thought out loud.

"The Universe. I ditch whenever I can because Lady Belva has the biggest crush on me. I can't really blame her-" he gestured at himself. "But it's still awkward."  Ex-fucking-cuse me, WHAT?

"The fuck do you mean she has a crush on you? She a TEACHER! She's not- WHAT. You're a victim." He's probably joking, I mean, I hope he is because that's fucking weird. Jesus Christ, they have some weird standards in this place. She would've caught a case if this were human school, AND SHE SHOULD 'CAUSE WHAT THE FUCK?

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