Are all elves stuck up assholes? Oh, nevermind.

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I am officially sick of how fucking bright everything is. Look at my aesthetic. Squinting, I surveyed the surroundings. There was a huge metal gate in front of me that glowed like the fucking sun.

"Welcome to Everglen," Fitz said, pulling me towards the doors. "What do you think?"

"I think the world wants me to go blind. What is with you guys and sparkly things?" I complained.

Fitz chuckled. "Well, the gate is to absorb all the light so that no one can leap directly inside. My dad works for the Council, so he likes his privacy at home."

"THIS IS YOUR HOUSE!? You fucking rich people." Shaking my damn head.

I must admit, after this morning, it was nice to be safe. Though, this world was supposed to have little crime so I don't even want to think about what they're keeping out. I doubt King Kong could smash through those doors.

A faint click sounded, and the gate swung inward. A striking figure stood in a small, grassy clearing surrounded by the same enormous trees I'd seen growing along the river in the capital. A floor-length, midnight blue cape was fastened across his shoulders with a clasp that looked like a pair of yellow, diamond-encrusted wings. He was tall and lean, with the same fake-looking, vibrant teal eyes and dark wavy hair, it was impossible to miss the family resemblance.

"Sophie, this is my father Alden." I'll be nice to the rich people for now.

I wasn't sure if I should bow out shake his hand. How do you greet an elf? I settled for a small wave.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sophie," Alden said with an accent more prominent than Fitz's. "I see Fitz wasn't kidding about the brown eyes. Most unusual."

My eyes twitched. I can't do it. " See- what do you people have against brown eyes? Genuinely curious."

Alden just smiled "Nothing, I meant no harm. I think the colour is quite pretty. Don't you, Fitz?" Fitz agreed.

"Don't lie to your father's face, Weirdo. " I will expose his ass if it's the last thing I do.

He shook his head, a small blush on his face. "I'm not, I swear." He turned back to Mr. Rich Elf. "Did you tell anyone else where Sophie was?"

"Only the Council. Why?"

"Sophie said someone tried to take her this morning."

Alden's eyes widened. "Are you okay?" he asked, scanning me like he was checking for injury.

"I'm fine. I told him off. It was a sorry attempt, at least try harder to-" I stopped myself when I realised I was ranting about what was wrong with his plan infront of a species too peaceful for their own good. "I'm fine."

"Humans," Alden muttered.

"Actually, Sophie thought he might be an elf," Fitz told him.

Father and son shared a look. Then Alden shook his head. "Kidnapping is a human crime. I've never heard of an elf even considering such a thing-much less trying it. What made you think it was one of us?" That's where Weirdo got his stuck-up-ness from.

"I could be wrong, but you can't cross out the possibilities. Besides, I don't remember hearing his thoughts, which only happens around Wei- Fitz. And now you.

"Yes, Fitz told me about your telepathy." He reached out to touch her forehead. "Do you mind?" I spun to look at Weirdo.

"See, this is what asking consent is, try it."

He threw his hands up. "I was being careful! And it had no time." I grunted and turned back.

"Um, what do you want to do, now?"

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now