Forty-four (Battle to death)

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~Previously on Addicted~
"What are you looking for babe-"

"Where's the food? Where's the God damn food?!"

"Harry I thought you weren't coming home until four, so I was going to start the food-"

"No Rose! You know I have been working my ass off. And now I come home to nothing?!"

Babe I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm just really stressed out right now."

"Rose I love you."

"You promised Harry."

"Now is not the right time."

"Harry but we have it all. The whole gang is now all prepared to kill Shadow."

"Harry what are you going to do?"

"I'm doing a killing mission."
Rose POV
I looked at Harry with disbelief. Here. There's a guy named Harry Styles who thinks he can kill a powerful man and his gang. He has gone psycho.

"You're gonna do what?" I asked, knowing the answer to it.

Harry looked at the guy, who nodded and left before Harry shut the door closed.

"Rose I'm going to go kill Shadow." He says, standing up straighter, and looking at me directly into my eyes.

Why is he going to go risk his life? What if he can't? What if they kill him? Which I don't doubt.

"Why are you doing this?" I cross my arms on my chest, waiting for him to answer.

"He needs to die-" Before he could finish I throw my hands up in the air.

"Don't you see it Harry? If he doesn't kill you then he will make you suffer! He will rip of your flesh and will destroy every bit of your soul!" I know I'm right. I'm damn right about that.

Shadow is too powerful. He has so much power that he doesn't seem to be human. In one second he's in America and in the other he's here, in England.

"Rose we're not doing the battle alone. We have a gang, weapons and we found out where he's hiding." He still doesn't get it. He doesn't see that once he starts the battle, Shadow will end it, putting him six feet underground.

"You are not going to win-" I begin to speak, but he cuts me out.

"But what if we do?! What if we actually get rid of Shadow?! That's your problem Rose. You just think think and think, instead of just going and getting the fucking job done!" Harry is now shouting at me, but I already expected that to happen.

Hasn't he ever heard the sayin' think before you speak? Well I'm pretty sure it also works as think before you do.

Harry's deep eyes have now lost me on what I was going to say. His emerald green eyes are dangerous, you stare at them for a long time and he will take you out of this world.

"I-I need time to think." I say, grabbing my coat to heed outside.

"Didn't I tell you not to think but do?" He asks.

"And didn't I tell you to keep away from Shadow? I guess we both don't listen." And with that I left, shutting the door behind me before I left out of the house. Away from him.
Harry's POV
Rose hasn't been back in half an hour, leaving me alone with some guys that are part of the gang.

"We're all going separate right, to have more cars so it will be easier to attack?" One of the guys ask. I nod with agreement as I make my way to the living room where they are all at.

Niall and Zayn got a private jet to come here to England, since they were in America. Aaron told them about it and they immediately wanted to join.

"So where's the rest of the gang? We need at least thirty." Niall said after blowing out a cloud of smoke.

"The rest are at our hiding spot. They're loading the cars with weapons and the other stuffs." I answered his question. We spent about twenty minutes talking about the plan.

Our plan is to have half of the gang in cars and the other half on land. The ones that are in cars will be our backup, incase we have too many injured.

Zayn, Niall, Aaron, and a few others will go attack the back of Shadow's hiding spot. They will kill everyone from the back, and when they do they will give me a signal that its all clear.

When we have killed every one from his gang then we will attack Shadow, he stays underground with three bodyguards. We will kill the bodyguards, capture Shadow and make him suffer.

"Are you guys ready?" Zayn asks, looking around at everyone.

"I am. Im ready to destroy every bit of him." Niall says, blowing one last cloud of smoke before putting it out.

I stand up, "Then lets get this job done." To be honest I am scared, but we need to get rid of him before he gets rid of us.
We're outside Shadow's hiding spot, just a few feet away from the back door. His hiding spot is an abandoned building, just a little away from the beginning of a forest.

Zayn, Niall, Aaron and a few others sneak in from the back with weapons just like in plan. A few moments later and I hear gun shots.

The rest of our gang arrive in huge black Hummers, with bombs, snipers and throwing knives.

But something wasn't fine. All of a sudden I see someone with a bandana covering their face. The person came out from behind the cars. He or she was fast, and ready for anything. The body was too skinny to be a man, so its a woman.

She starts to run towards the front door, and after that I hear gun shoots, then it gets silent, and I then hear a bomb.

A few seconds past and I see her coming out of the building. She takes her bandana out, letting her hair flow.


"What the fuck." I whisper to myself. She looks around, and sees me next to the cars. She runs towards me with a sniper in her hands.

"Come on." She says, showing me the way with her sniper.

"What are you doing here?" Im shocked. How does she even know where we are?

"I came here to get the job done. I also want to get rid of the man that has been destroying us." She smiles after and starts to walk. I give in and I walk in the building.

It feels like playing shooting games. The only difference is that once they get you, then its game over, and you cant start over.

The building is dark from the inside, lights twitching above us. Dead bodies around from the shooting, but our gang isn't in sight.

Then we hear a scream, sharp and close from us. Rose starts to run towards the sound, which led us to a room. We see a woman on the floor, and before we know it the door to the room shuts.

The lights turn on all at once, making us groan. When my vision refocused I see that Niall, Zayn and Aaron are chained against the wall, them three in pain and frighten.

"Harry behind you!" Niall shouts.

Everything goes by slow. My vision gets blurry, and I feel a cold pain against my head.

Then it all became quiet.
Things just got started with Shadow!!
I love you all!!!!

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