Chapter 14

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We arrive at school with only ten minutes until the bell rings. When I walk through the hallway people stare at me like if I were to be a lost dog. I look at them and they start whispering something into other peoples ears. Its like being the new girl, all over again. When I was the new girl at this school people spread rumors about me because they knew things about my past, and now its like that day all over again. It feels like walking through hell when you know that people don't like you for just being yourself. And the more you try to fit in, the harder things get, because they start calling you "fake". So no matter if you just be yourself or you start being "fake" to blend in, people will still judge you. With all the people looking at me and whispering about me into other peoples ears, feels like being on top of a stage naked, in front of thousands of people. I lower my head to hide my face, and I start to walk faster towards my locker. When I get there I then realize that someone wrote something in the outside of my locker with a black marker. "Snitch Bitch!" Is what's written on it. With the sleeve of my sweater I try to erase the writing but it looks like they did it with a permanent marker. I bet it has to do with something about the party. But how does the whole school know that I was the one that called the police. It couldn't have been Melissa because she just arrived with me to school, and my parents took her phone away to text anybody. It had to be Harry. Oh my god can't that guy just leave me alone! Seconds later I see Harry laughing with Niall, and Zayn.

"Go long!" He says while holding a foot ball over his head, ready to throw it to Niall. I start to walk towards him, and when he threw the ball I cached it before Niall did. Niall looks over to me then to Harry before making a smile appear on his face.

"Oh Harry your girlfriend is mad. Hope she doesn't throw you against the floor like she did last time." Zayn bursts into laughter before Niall does too. I throw the football at Zayn, and it hits him in the head. Niall starts to laugh harder, and he wraps his stomach with his hands. People start to stare at us, but I just pretend their not there while I focus on Harry. His face turns into a smirk and he crosses his arms on his chest.

"What do you want now? Snitch Bitch." He says still having the smirk crave his face. He smells like weed, and his eyes are really red and watery. I just can't believe he just called me a snitch bitch.

I raise my hand and I swing it to slap him, but he was too quick. He immediately reacted and grabbed my wrist. His grip around my wrist is so strong that I can actually feel my hand going cold from not getting any blood flow through my veins. Before anyone could do anything else, a guy shouts at him.

"Let her go," He says. A handsome tall guy with brown hair shouts at Harry. Harry lets go, and he moves his whole body to see him.

"This is none of your business. Now go and get out of my face you over sized monkey." I can see anger rising from his chest all the way to his face. His yaw starts to form more of his face, and his hands turn into a fist. He squeezes his hand so tight into a fist that his knuckles are turning white. He looks like he's about to attack, but when his eyes look over to me, he then calms down. His chest lowers, and his knuckles regain its natural color. He turns to his heels and walks away. I take a last look at the people that has already gathered around us, before chasing after the guy.

"Hey!" I shout while still jogging towards him. He keeps on walking. Taking big steps one at a time.

When he doesn't stop I speak louder. "I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me." I say it a little louder, just enough for him to hear me. He finally breaks, and stops to look at me.

"It was nothing. You shouldn't let guys treat you like that or to ever touch you. No guy should ever do that to a lady." He is so sweet, and it fells good to finally have someone so sweet and caring to talk to.

"It was something." I smile at him, and he smiles back. "Are you new to this school?" I haven't seen him before, because if I had met him before I wouldn't forget about him.

"Yeah. Im lost, and I don't have anyone to talk to... Would you mind if you can show me where My class is?"

"No. Not at all. Who do you have for first period?" We start to walk and he takes out a white crumbled piece of paper from his pocket. He stars scanning at it, and his eyes finally land on the too of the paper.

"I have Mr.Parks. Do you know him?"

"Yeah I also have him for first period." I start leading him towards our first period class, and he stops in the doorway.

"I didn't get your name. What is it?"

"Im, Rose Young. And what's yours."

"Im Aaron. Aaron Honors." We walk in, and I show him where my seat is. I sit in the middle, not too close to the teacher, and also not that far. Next to me theres an empty seat, so he sat on it. In that second I realized that my life is going to change.

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