Sixty (Beaten)

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~Previously on Addicted~

"It can only get better."

"Rose, I know it's hard, but please don't push me away."

"What the fuck did you do to her!?"

"I'm gonna take care of some thing."

He then disappears like a phantom in a blizzard, leaving me behind to die alone.


Rose POV

My eyes swing open. I quickly sit up and I start to breath heavily like if I was underwater for a long time. My whole body is covered in cold sweat, sweat that formed on my body a while ago for it to be cold now. I look around, thinking about one thing; only one thing. The guy in my dream was Harry. Why would I have a type of dream like that?

I remember once my mom told me that the meaning of the dream is the meaning of your life. So the meaning of my life has something to do with Harry leaving me in the blizzard?

Ugh. All of this is giving me a headache.

My feet touch the cold wooden floor, and I stand up. I walk towards Louis room, slowly opening the door. His bed is empty, just neatly done and not touched at all. I start to remember what happened to me a few hours ago.

Louis was shouting into the phone, he was shouting at Harry. What did he say? I close my eyes, and Louis faded voice starts to become sharp in my head.

You messed her up! You are going to pay for all this bullshit you have cost on her.

Where could he be? I also remember him saying something about taking care of some stuff before he left me to sleep. Wait, did he go to Harry's house? Oh shit, is he going to hurt him?

"Fuck." I quickly change my clothes and I leave the apartment.

Harry's POV

I fucking hate Louis. Why the fuck does he have to get in between the problems that Rose and I have? He fucking brained washed Rose's mind with his bullshit. But not everything is his fault, as much as I hate to say it the real reason why Rose is like this is because of what I said about hooking up with Amanda. The truth is that I really didn't hook up with Amanda or anything. I mean yeah I did see her but that was because she said that she doesn't want Darcy anymore, and that I should have her. I am not a dad material type of guy so I told her that Darcy will be with Gemma and that both of us shouldn't have her because we are not responsible enough to be parents. She agreed and after that I guess Rose saw her at the coffee shop.

I did the mistake of lying to Rose about that, but I got caught up with all the anger that all I wanted to do was hurt her. But that isn't something I should have done, or anyone should do to anybody.

I walk in the kitchen, and I grab the bottle of vodka and a shot glass off from the kitchen counter. I fill the glass shot, but I then decide to drink it off from the bottle. I raise the rim of the bottle up to my mouth, and I let the alcohol burn its way down my throat. The bitter taste wakes up my system, making me drink some more. I please my body by drinking more and more of the vodka, getting closer and closer to finishing the whole bottle.

It didn't take me more than ten minutes to finish a whole liter of vodka. I can feel the alcohol kicking in, but I'm not completely wasted yet. I take out a cigarette from the box that was on top of the table. I light it up, and I start to blow out thick clouds of smoke.

Someone bangs on the door a few minutes later. I burn out the cigarette in the ashtray and I make my way towards the front door. I open it, expecting to maybe see Rose, but instead I see Louis.

"What the fuck are you doing here-" He grabs the collar of my shirt and hits my back against the wall before I had a chance to finish. My head hits hard against the wall, but it didn't hurt me.

"Don't you fucking dare talk to Rose again! You hear me?!" I smirk by his words, almost laughing at his face. I kick him on the knee and then I punch him on the throat once he let go of me. He falls to the floor and begins to gag for air. I take my chance to kick him on the ribs, and then another kick swings, then another.

I stop to bend down. "You better stay away from Rose," I walk towards the couch and I pull out a gun from under it. "And I will make sure you will." I point the gun to him. He's too beaten up and too weak to do anything about it, so he just closed his eyes. When I was about to shoot at him someone hits me in the back of my head with the bottle of vodka. I let go of the gun and I fall forward to the floor.

Rose POV

I ran towards the front door of Harry's house. Lucky for me the door was opened a little. I get in without doing any sound and I stop when I saw Harry with a gun pointing at Louis. I look around and I grab the empty bottle of vodka and I swing it, hitting Harry behind the head. He falls forward and hits the floor hard. Louis tries to stand up, but every time he moves a muscle he groans.

I help him get up and I also help him out of the house. He leaps in one leg while his body is being supported by me. I get him in the back seats of the car so he can lay down. I cover him with a blanket that I brought along just for him. I get in the drivers seat and I immediately drive away.

I know it's wrong leaving Harry behind like that but he was about to kill Louis. What was I supposed to do? If I wouldn't have knocked him out then he would have done something crazy. I feel like what I did was right, yet wrong in the same time.

I never asked for this life, but I have to deal with it. At least I have a roof over my head and food on the table, something that not everybody has.

"R-Rose you-"

"Shh. Don't try to talk." I slightly open the window so some fresh air can come in.

"You shouldn't have done that Louis. I could have lost you today for that stupid decision." He doesn't try to answer back, which means he agrees with me.


"Ugh." Louis groans when I pressed a cold wet rag on his rib. He has a huge cut, and bruises everywhere. I hate seeing him like this; it kills me from the inside.

"I'm mad at you for doing this."

"I did it for you Rose." He says after a few more winces and groans from the pain.

"This is a battle between Harry and I. We both have problems that are in between us and I don't want you getting involved with them. You could have died today Louis." I close my eyes from the thought of that. Louis has been my best friend for a very long time, and I really do care about him a lot. I don't want him to be gone soon and in a very young age.

"I will be okay." He stands up from the chair he was in and slowly walks towards the bathroom. "I'm taking a shower." He said before shutting the door. I rinsed the rag and I cleaned everything up before going in my room. I lay down on my bed, but I then sit up when I realized I laid down on a piece of paper. The paper is folded in half. I open it and I gasped when I saw from who it was.

I'm back and stronger than ever. -Shadow


Happy easter (if you celebrate it) 🐰

Eat as much as you can. Open the fridge like you own it and eat the food like if you have never seen it before. Lol


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