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Harry's POV
I wake up with the smell of bacon surrounding my nose and the sunlight burning my eyes. I roll my face away, facing the clock on my wall. Its almost seven, and I don't feel like going to school. A reminder appears on my phone screen, and I remember of what I'm supposed to do today.
"Shit. I almost forgot." I jump out of bed, grabbing the first pair of jeans I found. I put on a black t-shirt and I run towards the bathroom to brush my teeth.
When I was done I ran downstairs and I opened the front door.
"No breakfast?" My mom asks with a plate of bacon in her hands.
"No. Im going to be late." I quickly run out of the house, flying out like athletes would when training. When I get inside the car, I pull out my phone and I dial Aaron's phone number.
"Are you there yet?" I ask him. I can hear noise in the background like if he's stepping on dried lives.
"Where are you! Im here with Zayn and Niall. Shadow is going to kill you." Shadow is our boss. We call him "Shadow" because we have never seen his face. He wears a mask and the only way we have seen his face was by his shadow. I'm on a mafia. A little different then the one that Rose was talking about. Im a drug dealer. I have been working for them since I was fourteen. Seven years later when my dad left us.
"Harry are you there?" Aaron questions in the other end of the line, making me break my thoughts.
"I will be there. Just meet me in the entrance, but don't let them see you without me." I hang up on him right before he can say anything else. I drive out of the driveway and I make my way to where they are.
It has been about twenty minutes since I left my house. I only focus on the road. I have to meet up with my boss every month. My mom thinks I work on some sort of food business, and thinks I get my money from there but I don't. I get my money from being a drug dealer. Every person has a code, they use that instead of saying our names.
Seconds after driving a long ass time I park in the edge of a forest. The sun is rising with a hint of orange in the sky. The breeze is brushing my curls away from my eyes, making it easier to see Aaron next to a tall oak tree with Niall and Zayn next to him. Niall spots me closing the door to my car, and points at me to show Aaron where I am. Aaron looks at the direction of Niall's finger, and relief crosses his face. Aaron waves his hand up in the air, making it look like he's dancing. He points at something. Something that looks like its behind me. I feel a big, cold hand smack my back. Their hands wrap around my forearms, and quickly pulls my arms back. They slam me against my car, with my butt up at the air. My face is pressed against the cold car, but I can't see who is it. I can see Niall, Zayn and Aaron being beaten up against the floor, and before anything else happens, the person thats behind me hits me in the head with a glass bottle. Pain. Pain is the only things thats going across my mind, and body right now. I try to get away, but the harder I try the more they hold me down. A black piece of cloth is wrapped around my face, making it hard to see anything. I can tell its a guy because his arm muscles are too thick to be made for a female. He throws me against the floor, and starts to kick me. I try to protect myself but its hard when you can't see anything. He kicks me again in the ribs making my breath escape from my body. I gasp for air, but another kick rushes through my body, and I feel like Im going to die.
I spit out some blood, and he picks me up. An evil laugh escapes from him like if he is enjoying what he's doing.
"Your coming with me. Someone is waiting for you, and your little friends." I try to walk, but its too hard. My whole body is pounding with a pain like if I have been dropped from an airplane without a parachute. I try to walk, not putting too much pressure on my right side of my body, where he kicked me.
It doesn't take long until we stop. "Where the fuck are you taking us?" I hear Niall growl at them. I can hear that he is really hurt, and also Aaron and Zayn. They force me to sit down on a metal like chair. He takes the cloth that was on my face. A bright sharp white light hits my eyes when I open them. I look around to see that I'm in the same room where we go to see our boss, Shadow. Im wrapped tight around a chair, and also are Aaron, Niall, and Zayn.
Aaron has a bruise already on his left eye, Niall has his lip cut open, and Zayn has his right eyebrow bleeding. Shadow is sitting on a tall wooden chair with his face covered with a black bandana, with only his dark brown eyes visible.
"I know that you're all in touch with a girl called Rose Young. And if you don't remember how she looks like then let me remind your little pea brains." He turns in the light that hits a wall thats covered in pictures of Rose. There's one where she is walking out of the coffee shop chasing after me. Another one where she is walking with Aaron. One where she is talking with Liam and Louis. There is a wall full of pictures of her talking to people, crying, laughing, walking and a lot more.
"Your such a creep." I say with my face scanning the pictures.
"I want you to bring her to me." His voice is deep, filling the room with his voice.
"Why did you have to do this to us?" Zayn asks. Shadow puts his hands back and slowly, step by step walks towards us.
"Well I know that if I wouldn't have made this guys beat you up, then I know that you wouldn't hear me."
"Why do you want her?" Shadow takes a step towards Aaron, close enough for him to breath on top of him.
"Lets just say that she's really valuable, and her dad deserves some pain."
"Your such a coward. Making us do all the bad work for you, so you can get some shit out of it." Shadow reaches in his back pocket, and pulls out a gun. He points it to Aaron's forehead, but Aaron doesn't even flinch.
"If I was a coward, I would be afraid to shoot you right now." Aaron gives in. I can tell by the way he is looking down, not facing him.
"Thats what I thought." Shadow puts the gun away, leaving us knowing that he isn't afraid to kill one of us.
"Im going to give you till Sunday midnight to bring her to me. If you fail, then I will kill every single one of you. Making my laugh be the last thing you'll hear." You sun of a bitch. You sun of a little bastard. I start to curse at him in my head, but it doesn't make me feel any better. How in earth are we going to get Rose to Shadow. Its not like we are going to ask her to come or anything, or to trick her to making her think that we are taking her out for some ice cream.
"How are even going to be able to take her to you?" Zayn asks.
"By kidnapping her." Shadow makes a sign to one of the guys, and he walks toward us.
"Now do what I told you to do." The guys that took us to Shadow, grab us from the arms, and throws us out. I fall flat on the floor, making me groan because of my ribs. We are back at the forest where they have beaten us up. The guys disappear leaving us in the floor with our hands thigh behind us. Niall stands up, and pulls out a pocket knife from his front pocket. He starts to cut the rope, and then starts to cut ours.
I rub my wrist with my hand, to rub some pain away. I stand up, but I don't say a word. Instead I walk towards my car, and I get in. When Im in, Zayn walks towards my car, and taps on the window. I look up from my wrist. I don't pay attention to him, but he keeps on trying anyways.
"Where are you going? We have to talk about everything..."
"Im going home. When I come up with a plan I will call you guys." I turn on the car. I drive away leaving them behind.
I block every though that pops up in my head. What am I going to do now. Yeah I don't care much about Rose, but kidnapping her, and bringing her to Shadow is something that I don't think I will ever do to her, or to anyone.
I start to think so much, that it feels like in any second my head would explode. Im parked in front of a playground where I used to play before my dad left us. I see a little boy running around with his dad chasing after him. When his dad finally grabbed him, he grabbed him from the arms and throws him at the air, then catches him. I always wished to have a dad like that, but its already too late to have one.
I bring my focus back to Rose. I start to think of how I will get her to Shadow, without kidnapping her.
After a long time about thinking how I will get the job done, I finally came up with a plan. I will start being nice to her, and then I will trick her into going to Shadow's place. When I win her trust it will be way easier. I pick up my phone, and I start to call Aaron.
"What do you need mom?" Aaron answers.
"Mum. Its me Harry."
"Yes I know mom. Im at Rose's house." I then go with the flow. He's calling me mom because he doesn't want Rose to find out I know him. Wait a second, how does Aaron know Rose? Is she the girl he was talking about making the sex tape with? Does she know?
"How do you know her? Is she the one you were talking about?" I quickly get out of the car, too quickly that I groan in the phone because of my ribs.
"I met her at school, and yes, she is the one I was talking about."
"Don't do that to her. I have hurt her to much already, and it will also ruin my plan." My throat tightens, and I have a feeling inside of me that makes me feel weird.
"Just meet me at the park, with Zayn and Niall. The park where we got high and people called the police, and shit. Just meet me here. Now." I hang up on him. I see policemen walking around, and one of them stare at me. Ever since that accident we had at the park of getting high, policemen have been supervising.
"Hey. Don't I know you from somewhere?" He asks. I know he recognizes me, he was the one who threw me against the floor to handcuff me.
"Well officer, we live in the same world, maybe you have seen me around. Living my life." I smirk at him, with a hand on my rib. He starts to walk towards me.
"Your trying to act smart on me huh? Then why don't you get yourself and your smart mouth out of here."
"Why? I didn't do anything bad."
He takes a deep breath, and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. He looks around, and comes in closer.
"Look kid, I don't want any trouble."
"Am I doing any trouble? No. So leave me alone cause' I'm waiting for someone," He gives in.
"Fine. But see this?" He pulls out his handcuffs. "This is whats going around your wrist if you do any trouble." He turns around, and walks back were he was before.
It doesn't take long for Aaron and the rest to show up. They all have bruises, and the one that looks like he has been the one that got beaten up worst then the rest is Aaron.
"What did Adayshia say when she saw you?" I ask Niall. Niall leans against my car, and takes a deep breath.
"She still hasn't seen me cause' she's still at school. But I will just tell her it was a street fight, a few punches here and there. What did your parents say?"
"By parents you mean my mum right?"
"No I mean your mum, and dad."
"I don't have a dad."
"Yes you do." My hands turn into a fist besides me. I don't see Des as my father. I never will.
"What makes you think that he cares about me? He never has and he never will. He isn't my father, do I make myself clear?" He nods without saying another word. Zayn opens his mouth to say something but instead he decided not to.
"What's the plan?" Aaron says after a few moments of silence. I try to relax myself by closing my eyes. Little by little my anger disappears like sugar dissolving on water.
"The plan is that I will be nice to Rose, to gain her trust. When I have her trust, she will then come with me to where Shadow is. I will just tell her that I want to show her this place, and bam! Mission accomplished." Niall agrees by nodding, Zayn gives me a thumbs up, but Aaron just stares at me.
"But I though I was the one that was making her fall in love with me."
"Im not going to make her fall in love with me. I will just be nice to her to gain her trust. Then she's all yours." Aaron stares at me, before looking down. I feel something negative forming on my chest, like it would do whenever I know I'm doing something wrong. I push that feeling back, but somehow it's like if that feeling has claws, and has buried them on me from getting away. "You shouldn't do that to Rose." My conscious tells me. I finally manage to fight back and win against it.
"Fine. But after you have had your fun with her, it will be my turn." I nod with agreement, blocking the feeling I have in my chest.
Its already Friday. The days before I have been nice to her, and I even invited her to get a coffee with me yesterday after school. She thinks I have changed, and stopped using drugs. I haven't gotten her completely, but I'm almost there. Today I'm picking her up to take her to school, and I will give her a ride back home. It makes me sick to my stomach to be nice to someone, but I have to do it to save my ass.
Im already parked in front of her house. I pull out my phone to call her, but the front door opens. I put my phone away before she opens the passengers seat door. She gets in like if it were to be a normal thing to do.
"Hey." Her smile beams, like if a unicorn passed by. I fake a smile to blend in with her.
"Hey." I respond. She puts her hair in a messy bun to keep it away from getting on her face.
"Good thing its Friday today. Im going on a date with Aaron today." I start the car, quickly driving away from her house.
"He was acting a little weird yesterday, and he had a bruise on his left cheek with the corner of his lip cut open." I roll my eyes, knowing that she didn't see me. I like bad girls, not nice innocent ones, and Rose is one of them.
"Aaron is not going out with you today." She turns to face me, and I keep on driving. "He told me to tell you that he changed it for next week," I lie. I don't know why he didn't tell her, and just left her hanging.
"But he didn't tell me anything. I have been... never mind guy's just play like that." I hear a hint of sadness in her voice as she looks down to her lap. I spot a red head girl walking with a group of other girls. I lower my window, and I whistle at her. She looks at me, and gives me a shy smile. The other girls walking with her just giggle.
"Are you serious?" Rose turns to face me, staring at me like if I have done something wrong.
"What?" I rudely ask with a brow raised up. She acts like its obvious that I should know what I did wrong, but I don't.
"You shouldn't have whistled at her, she's a girl not a dog." I let out an evil laugh, knowing it will make her boiling inside.
"What are you laughing about? Cause' I know I didn't say something funny." She crosses her arms, looks out the window, waiting for my response.
"Tick tock, tick tock." Is all I say.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"That's just the time thats passing by, while I wait for you to drop the act. Why don't you just show the real you. I know that you're trying to act all innocent and shit, but really your just like me." I don't know where that came from, but it felt like I should have said it.
"Ha. You think I'm like you? Lies you tell, cause' I'm nothing like you."
"Admit it. Your not showing the real you. Rose I'm not smart, but I can tell when someone is lying."
She looks over to me with half a smirk on her face. "Well your not smart, because if you were you will be able to tell that Im not lying. And why would I want to pretend to be someone Im not?" Her tone of voice got serious in a heart beat when she asked the question. Rain starts to pour down. I can see her looking out the window from the corner of my eye. I stop at a red light, and my eyes catch a rain drop. One rain drop pools into another and they form a narrow river running down her window. Her eyes reflect the rain outside, like a mirror would do when something is in front of it. I didn't notice that I have been staring at her for a long time until a car behind us honks at me, because the red light turned green. I quickly react by putting my hands on the steering, and I quickly drive.
I open my mouth to tell her something, but she speaks first.
"You want to go somewhere with me tomorrow?" She asks out of the blue. She continues staring outside, at the raindrops hitting the window, then rolling down.
"Where?" This can be extra time to gain her trust, so why not take it.
"...Never mind. Its not like we're best friends or anything..."
"Actually I wouldn't mind. I have boxing practice tomorrow. You can come see me." I never invited anyone to see me box, not even Zayn or Niall.
"You do boxing? Since when."
"Since I realized that I couldn't hit people every time I got mad." I turn a left to park at the school parking lot. I park at my spot, turn of the engine, and I get out of the car.
Rose gets off too, and I lock the car. I quickly catch up to Niall, and Adayshia that are next to the front entrance, leaving Rose behind. I look back to look at her. She walks up the sidewalk looking confused. Louis stares at her, but she doesn't join him or Liam thats next to Louis. I feel bad for leaving her, but I then get over it.

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