Thirty (Choices)

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~Previously on Addicted~

"You were in coma for about a week."

"Harry we need to leave. We need to go back to England."

"Shadow found out you didn't die, so now he's brought the whole gang to find you, and Rose."

Harry's POV

"Mum I can't leave. What about Rose?"

"She's coming with us too. She's in danger and so are you, plus you have been saying that you wanted to go back to England because you don't like America."

I look out the window, trying to find out what I want to do. Should I go to England or stay here? I mean Rose and I aren't a thing and maybe her parents won't let her go, but I can't risk to stay here.

"What are her parents going to say? And would she even want to go? We're not even a thing so it would be awkward having to just move in together in England."

"Harry its not like you two are going to have sex." My eyes get wide and I swallow hard.

She sits down on a chair next to me and her breathing gets heavier. "Harry please tell me you didn't do it with her..."

"...I can't tell you that I didn't because I did." She passes a hand through her hair and closed her eyes before standing up.

"Did you use protection?" Her voice is low but strict.



"Mum I swear I though she was on birth control."

"Harry you got a girl pregnant before! Why can't you be responsible and respectful to women."

"It wasn't my fault the condom broke-" A tap on the door interrupts me followed by Gemma walking in.

"Rose left." Gemma says with a worried tone. My mom looks up to her and takes a deep breath.

"Where is she going?"

"She had an appointment with her therapist."

"Don't let her go alone. Do you have it?" Gemma raised her shirt half way, reveling a gun on her waist.

"Are you insane?!?" I tell her.

"Im going to protect Rose. You should try it sometime." She pulls her shirt down and jogs away to go catch up to Rose.

"So much has been going on since I got in a coma."

"Well maybe you wouldn't be here if you wouldn't have done the wrong choices." She leaves and closed the door. I wanted to do so many things right now. I wanted to punch something, I wanted to scream I also want to smoke or get drunk but something that I really want is to have Rose by my side. Calming me down.

Rose's POV

I arrive to my therapist's office with Gemma by my side. She had a bump on her hip, and you could see it was made out of metal because it was shinning a little.

"What's that?" I ask her while waiting for the woman behind the desk to hang up on the phone.

"What's what?" I know she's acting stupid but I might just let it go.

"Nothing." She pulls what ever it is that's under her shirt down, and looks around. The woman on the phone finally hangs up, and looks at me with a smile.

"Ms.Young we have been expecting you for about two weeks ago. You finally came." The woman on the other side of the desk is my therapist's daughter. She's about Gemma's age, but Gemma looks way older than her.

"Sorry I had a lot going on."

"Family problems?"

"You could say." I look down but I can still tell she's looking at me.

"Well thats why we're here. You can go to my mom's office, she's ready for you." I nod and I give her a small 'Thank You' before walking towards my therapist office.

"I'll wait outside if you need me." Gemma says, then sits down on a chair, holding a magazine up to her face. I walk in and I close the door. My eyes go wide when I see Melissa talking to my therapist. When her eyes land on mine she quickly jerks up.

"You little bitch!! You know how much pain mom and dad are going through right now?!? And on top of that you didn't even showed up at home to see how we're doing!!!"

"Mom said she didn't want me to come near her!" She walks closer to me, with her blue eyes getting darker like coal. I saw a part of her I never saw before and it's actually getting me scared.

"What about me?!? I tried to do suicide to myself Rose! Twice. But you were too Addicted to Harry to even bother to notice-"

"I. Don't. Love. Him." I feel like I'm lying to myself, but to be honest I really don't know now. I don't know what love is so I can't say I love Harry.

She lets out a evil laugh, and her eyes are almost black now. "Wow you really did let him get inside of you huh? Let me tell you something Rose. If he ever breaks your heart with lies or betrayal, don't ever come find me because I hope you rot in hell with him."

I raise my hand to slap her but she pinned me against the wall by my neck.

"You have always been my baby sister, and the weakest one." She lets go of me and I fall down, gasping for air.

"Oh and one more thing. I was the one who switched your bipolar pills after you went to the hospital about three weeks ago." She walks out of the office and my therapist helps me get up.

"Im sorry, I didn't know how to react with all of this." She helps me sit down on a chair and grabs me a cup of water. I slowly drink the water but I then cough the rest out.

"Sorry." I say with a hoarse voice. Melissa isn't the sister I thought she was all these years. I always looked up to her when I was little, always thought she was the caring sweet sister, but she's actually the opposite.

"What did you come here for today Ms.Young?" I take a few seconds to breath deeply before answering her question.

"Well I'm really confused."

"About what?"

"About love." She chuckles and looks at me in the eyes.

"Everyone has a different meaning for love Rose. Some people think that love is an emotion that you show towards someone. Some people think it's when you prefer to spend time with a specific person all the time than with other people. Love has infinite meanings, which means there's infinite ways to love someone." I stay quiet, actually speechless because now I think that I found what I was looking for.

"How can I tell someone loves me?"

"Just by looking at their eyes and actions."

"What do you mean."

"What I mean Rose is that if they can look at you straight in the eye and tell you that they love you without hesitating and they prove it to you without thinking twice then there's your answer."

"How can I tell if I'm in love."

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"There isn't one... Fine its a guy called Harry."

"How does he make you feel?" How does Harry make me feel? He makes me feel like myself.

"Sometime he makes me really mad, other times he's really nice and funny and other times he brings this emotion out of me. Its like a spark I have never felt before."

"And how does that spark make you feel?"

"It makes me feel-" Before I finished a rock hits the window, making the broken glass fly everywhere. I gasp and I take cover under a table. We wait for a few minutes before getting out. I see that the rock has a note stuck to it. I look around and I pick up the note.

*There's no way to escape now. We're watching you, every step that you take we would still be a step ahead of you.*

I hear a gun shot but it doesn't hit me, instead it hits the therapist, right in the head. Her eyes roll back and she falls down. Seconds later the door swings open.

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