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(In this book the band One Direction does exist, but the band members are not the original members. I really hope you enjoy this book, and please vote. Thank you.)

(I think that the song "Singing in the shower from Becky G goes well with the beginning of this chapter. Another song that I think that goes well with this chapter its "My hear is open" from Adam Levine, as known as Maroon 5.)

I wake up, too happy then usually. I run towards the restroom, and I grab my hair brush, and I start to sing with it like if it were to be a microphone. I run down the stairs, and I grab my pills. I start humming with the beat of the music, while I take my pills. I start to run in circles, and I start to scream the song in the top of my lungs. Melissa grabs me from behind, and covers my mouth with her hand.

"Why the heck are you screaming like a goat is dying at six in the morning." She says while still covering my mouth. I lick the inside of her hand so that she can let go of me.

"Eww. Why are you acting like a little girl? Have you been taking your pills?"

"Of course I have. I just took them like five minutes ago. Why can't I have a day that I can be happy without you thinking my mental illness is taking over control of me." She rubs her palm against her pajama pants, and then looks up to me.

"I'm sorry, maybe Im over exaggerating. Anyways mom and dad already left, incase you didn't know." A smile starts to form in my face, and I walk into the kitchen. I take out a pan, and eggs from the fridge.

"Do you want some scrambled eggs?" I put the pan in the stove, and I turn the stove on.

"Nah I'm okay. Im actually going to the mall with my friends so bye." She turns around and goes up the stairs.

"Melissa. Can I come?" She doesn't stop instead she keeps on going.

"Well I wanted to go alone with my friends. Sorry." She says then she shuts the door from her room, before I can say anything else. A feeling inside of me starts to rise. Its a horrible feeling, and its making me sad, but mostly mad. My own sister doesn't want me to go to the mall with her, and her friends.

I grab the eggs from the fridge, and I crack them open. I grab a fork, and I start to violently stir them until bubbles start to form. I dip it in the pan, and I watch it until its hot enough to start moving it around.

When its done I put myself some on a plate, and I sit down at the table. I stab the scrambled eggs with my fork, and I start to stab harder. The anger starts to boil inside of me, but it can't be the bipolar thing because I have been taking my pills.

I quickly grab my pills from the cabinet, and I desperately open it. I take three at a time, and I put them in my mouth. I grab some water, and I swallow. I start to grab more, and I start to swallow them.

"Why isn't it working!?" I start to lose my mind, so I just start to swallow eery pill thats in the container.

I finish with the whole container, and I have swallowed a whole month's supply of bipolar mental illness pills.

I start to panic, and I fall knees to the floor. I run my hands through my hair, and I start to cry. My mood is changing from happy, to mad to then sad. I don't think the pills are working, but I have to give it sometime for it to work.

I start to hit the floor, and my crying starts to get stronger. My sadness is more like what a depressed person would feel. But if I have taken all of those pills aren't I supposed to be in the floor right now for consuming too many pills.

I have to give it sometime so that the medicine can flow in my blood. I can hear Melissa's footsteps running down the stairs then towards me. Everything is going slow motion, and I can't hear anything. It feels like watching a movie where a person is passing out, and they put it in slow motion, and in HD. I can see her lips moving, trying to tell me something, but I couldn't hold it any longer. I close my eyes, and the last thing I saw was the bright kitchen light that was hitting my face.

I wake up from the beeping sound that a machine next to me is doing. My throat feels soar, and there's a disgusting taste of plastic on my mouth. My whole body feels numb, and pain starts to form inside of me. It feels like a blade is rushing through my veins. I moan a little from the pain, and I then notice that Melissa is next to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess. What happened?" I really don't remember anything that happened. The last thing I remember was stabbing my scrambled eggs with my fork which I should have eaten, because I'm hungry now.

"Well you took all your one months supply of pills, and if I weren't have taken you immediately to the hospital, well lets just say that you wouldn't be here right now." She doesn't look worried at all, which makes me wonder, maybe she is part of something that happened to me. The door opens, and a tall man with short brown hair comes in, which looks like if he is the doctor.

He clicks on the top of the pen and writes something on a pice of paper that he brought in with him.

"Well I have good news, and that is that you can now go home, and I prescribed you a new medicine." I smile a bit but the doctor doesn't look happy. "There's also a bad news. We took a sample of your blood, and there was no trace of the pills you had to be taking in your blood. What was in your blood was a different type of medicine. It was pills that you take when your sick, like Advil or Alive. Which means you have been taking the wrong pills, or someone switched them out." I try to sit up straight, but I feel a little weak. The doctor walks over to me, and takes out the small tube cords that were wrapped around my left arm. Why would someone switch my pills knowing that there really important for me to take them.

I stand up when the doctor took the little cords from my arm. Melissa reach's her hand out so that she can help me walk. I give her a smile, but she doesn't smile back.

Before we left the hospital I stop in the middle of the hallway. "I need to go to the restroom before leaving." I say to Melissa. She nods, and leads me to the restroom.

When I get in I shut the door. I tell Melissa I don't need any help. I look at myself in the mirror, and I look like Edward in the Twilight movie when he goes to the sun. My skin is so pail, and I have light brown rings around my eyes. My eyes are a little pink, like if I have been crying. I turn on the sink, and I cup my two hands together so I can collect the water. When I had enough I moved my face near the sink, and I splashed the water in my face. I keep my eyes closed, and I reach over to get a paper towel. I dry my face and I then leave the restroom. Melissa is leaning against the wall with her arms crossed in her chest.

"Hey. Whats wrong?" She looks up, but doesn't answer my question.

"We need to talk when we get home." She moves away from the wall and starts walking out from the front entrance. I follow her, and the way she is acting, gives me a sign that she knows something really important.

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