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I wake up with the raise of sunshine hitting my eyes. I feel something in my forehead, and I realize theres a note stuck to it. It was stuck to my forehead with peanut butter instead of tape.

"I went home. Couldn't find tape so I put peanut butter. Hope your not allergic." -Harry

I wipe the peanut butter from my forehead with my finger. I walk towards the kitchen and I grab a paper towel. I clean my hand, and I crumble the note, and I throw it into the trashcan. I grab my pills from the medicine cabinet, and I drop two pills on the palm of my hand. I swallow them with some water, and I put the pills container back in the cabinet. I walk towards the stairs, and I look up.

"Melissa do you want some..." I then realize that Melissa is not here. And its going to take my parents about ten more hours for them to get here because their at Florida, and we live in Texas. I grab my phone, and I call my mom. After two unanswered calls I then know that my mom is too mad to answer me. I don't blame her, but it wasn't my idea to throw the party. Im not hungry, but I need to eat something. I don't want to be lonely either so I call Louis.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" He says with a yawn.

"No. I just wanted to know if you can come over." He yawns again and lets out a lazy moan.

"Yeah sure. Liam is with me can he come too?"

"Yeah I was going to call him after I called you. And why is Liam with you?" I know Im getting into their business but Im really curious.

"He came over this morning to return me something." I end the call by saying "okay bye". I place my phone on top of the table, and I walk towards the living room. I grab the blanket that Harry slept on last night, and I start folding it. I catch a scent from him. He always smells like mint gum and cologne. I inhale his smell again. Seconds later a knock on the door breaks my thoughts making me realize I have been acting like a creep. I put the blanket down, and I open the front door.

"Hey." Louis, and Liam come in, and I close the door.

"How did you get here so fast." I say still focused on Harry's scent.

"We live in the same street. Remember?" Louis says. I then shake my thoughts from Harry, and I focus on them.

"Oh yeah... anyways do you want something to drink or eat?" I change the subject so it doesn't get awkward. They both shake their heads, and I grab a water bottle for myself. They sit down at the living room couch, and I follow them.

"So where's Melissa?" Liam asks. I don't want to tell them about the party, and the whole police thing.

"She went shopping with her friends. You know Melissa, she loves to go shopping," I lie. I don't like to lie to my best friends but I also don't want them to stop being my friend for a stupid mistake. They can tell when Im lying, but I guess they bought this one.

"So did you finish your project?" Louis questions. I totally forgot about it and the teacher moved the due date for tomorrow and I still haven't finished the other half.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't..." A phone rings, but it not mine. Its a phone thats in the counter... where I left Harry's phone.

"Who's phone is it?" Says Liam while picking up the phone. I grab it from him, and the screen says "Mum". Harry forgot his phone. I answer the call, but I walk away from Liam and Louis that way they don't know who it is.

"Hello?" I say.

"Is this Harry?"

"No. Harry forgot his phone in my house when he slept over." It sounds a little weird to say those words, and I think they came out wrong.

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