Forty-nine (It can't be)

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~Previously on Addicted~

"Rose I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a horrible mother. I'm sorry for not being there for you."

"Mom I can't. So many things have happened and I feel like I should just take a brake from everything..."

"She's with me."


"Do you want to sit... and talk?"

"I came here just to forget."

"It's funny how people keep searching for something that is just going to hurt them in the end."

"Like love. We're obsessed on wanting to possess it, when it will end possessing us."

I moved in a little closer to him, barely leaving space in between us. I put a hand behind his neck, and I pull him closer to him. I crash my lips into his, taking control. Possessing him. Having him.
Rose POV

Niall's lips fit perfectly on mine. Wait what am I doing? I can't do this. I can't.

I quickly brake the kiss, leaving him confused.

"I can't do this." I stand up, and I turn around to walk away but he grabs my wrist, and pulls me closer to him.

"Why? You're single and so am I. What's wrong with us kissing?" His beautiful blue eyes look deep into mine, but I rip my stare from him, looking down.

"I can't do this to Harry. I just said something horrible to him... when this whole time he was just trying to protect me." Now everything is slowly being put together.

Harry wanted to get rid of Shadow to protect me, us. He saw me self harming myself and called me psycho because all of this is too much. All he wants is to be in peace, and with me. Right? I mean he hasn't hooked up with any other girl.

"Harry is in the past." Niall begins to speak as he raised my chin up so I meet his eyes. "Right now we're in the future, and nowhere near him, so let's just have fun while we're young." He leaned in a little closer to me but I moved away.

"Sorry." I walk away, pushing past by all the sweaty and drunk people. I get rude comments like watch where you're going or bitch while pushing the people out of my way.

When I finally get outside the fresh air slaps me hard in the face.

Your feeling are all over the place. One minute you hate Harry and in the other you're in love with him. Get your shit right!

My conscience goes over and over in my head, telling me that Harry is the one. As cheesy as it sounds, Harry could maybe be the one, but all of this is confusing.

Go talk to him. Open up yourself to him, and he'll maybe do the same. You need to set things straight.

That's what I'll do. I will tell Harry what happened and my feelings.

As I start to walk away from the club the loud beating music slowly fades away. The sky is already dark, but clouds are still visible above me. The streets are empty, with tall street lights barely giving out any light. My body slowly starts to get numb by the sharp coldness that surrounds me. Every time that I exhale from my mouth my breath is visible.

A few moments later of my body shaking, and walking I hear footsteps behind me.

"Rose wait!" I hear someone weakly shout. I stop and turn around to see Niall running towards me.

"Niall please stop." I say, coming out more of a whisper. He stops when his body is right in front of mine.

"Rose let's just give it a try. Please give me a chance-"

"No Niall. This is all wrong. I can't be with you-" Niall slams me against the brick wall before I could finish. He pressed his body against mine, and slowly moves his hands down my body.

"You're mine. Only mine." His words give chills down my spine. I'm too weak from the cold to do anything.

"No..." I try to say.

He moves his lips from my neck all the way under my ear. He plants a kiss there before nibbling on my ear lobe.

"Only mine." He repeats again against my ear. His hands then find their way on my hips, and he slips a hand in my panties. His hand then goes in between my legs, but before he did anything else I finally get the strength to lift my leg up, and knee him in between his legs. He groans in pain and I push him hard enough for him to fall back.

As soon as he fell back I took off running. I ran so fast everything started to turn blurry. The good thing is that Harry doesn't live far, maybe about a few blocks away.

I don't stop. All I think is that if I stop then he will get me, and God knows what will happen next.

I was then finally in the street that Harry's house is in. I'm tired and out of breath when I got to his door.

You can do this. You can do this.

I knock on the door, but nobody answers. When I try again I then realize the door isn't closed.

I slowly open it, and when I walked in, my ears were filled with whispers and giggles.

Where's that coming from?

I then follow the sounds, they're coming from his room.

The giggles and whispers then get louder. When I'm standing in front of his door I then hear something I never wanted to hear.

It can't be.

I quickly open the door, to find Harry in bed.

With another woman.
We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

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