Twenty-three (The Plan)

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Harry leaves a few seconds after I get in the house. My mom is sitting in the couch with a bucket next to her and a towel. Melissa walks out of the living room where my mom is, takes out the trash and goes outside.

"Hey mom." She looks up from her hands rubbing each other.


"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah. I guess I feel better enough to start cooking dinner." She tries to get up, but I don't let her.

"You know what, I will do dinner today, and Melissa can take out the table and wash the dishes." Melissa walks in the living room ready to whine about what I just said, but I pinch her arm, quickly enough so my mom didn't notice.

"Yeah. You just relax back and watch whatever women your age watch this days on TV." Melissa rubs the spot in her arm where I pinched her, and gives me a nasty look. She hands our mom the TV remote, and walks back into the kitchen.

"Mom can I ask you something?" I ask while placing a pan on top of the stove.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Well my friend invited me to go to this beach party, and I wanted to know if I can go." My mom takes her eyes away from the TV, and sets the remote down.

"Will there be guys. Like the one that was sitting with you in the bench when he dropped you off today."

"How did you..."

"Im your mother, I have to know my own kids... and I saw you."

"My friend is going to pick me up," I lie. I know I'm a terrible liar but I gave it a try, and I hope she buys it.

"As long as you don't get near that boy, and there won't be any use of alcohol or drugs, then you can go."

"But I want you back before midnight." She adds, before picking up the remote, and flips through channels.

"But what's wrong with Harry? He isn't that bad."

"When I was around your age, I used to hang out with guys like that. One day I went out to watch a movie with them, and I ended up almost getting raped by one of them."

"So you're saying that Harry will rape me?"

"No Rose. What I'm saying is that those type of guys are no good to be around with." I nod, without saying another word, and I head to the kitchen to continue doing what I was doing. I start to cook some pasta, while Melissa sets the table.


My dad doesn't take long to come from work, like always he's tired, and when he's tired he doesn't like it when people talk to him. My mom falls asleep on the couch, with her arms wrapped around a pillow.

Dinner is already done, but only Melissa and I will eat. Melissa helps me take my mom to her room, while my dad takes a long shower.

I sit on a chair at the dining table, across from Melissa, with a plate of pasta with red sauce in front of me. I dig in, grabbing a fork full of pasta, and shoving it in my mouth. A moan escapes from my mouth, from the delicious pasta I made.

"Please tell me you're not going to that party with him."

"Who, Harry?"

"Of course Harry. Please tell me you're not going." I shove another fork full of pasta in my mouth, to not answer her. I chew slowly to not finish quick.

"Rose I'm serious." She puts her fork down, and I swallow.

"I am going to the party with him Melissa. Plus it's not like I'm falling into a trap or anything, and I'm actually getting something out of it." I start to think about my plan, the one where I have to get Harry's full trust, that way it will be easier to convince him to stop doing drugs.

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