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Harry, and I finished the first half of our project. We don't spend it being in awkward but we also don't talk much. "Do you need help?" I ask him. He doesn't answer. He has been in the same position for over ten minutes. His eyes are closed which means he's sleeping. He lets out a soft snore, and he looks cute being cuddled up in the corner with his curly hair covering his eyes.

"Harry," I whisper to him. I softly shake his shoulder to wake him up. He swings his eyes open, and stares at me.

"Im going home already. Its getting late and your already falling asleep." I pick up my stuffs and I stand up. Harry grabs my wrist before I can leave.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He's still half asleep, and its funny and cute to see him like this.

"Nah, I'll walk." He raises an eyebrow and looks at me with a puzzled look.

"You're going to walk in this time. Its going to get dark in any minute." I look outside, and he's right it is going to get dark.

"Are you okay with it I mean your falling asleep." He yawns and stretches his arms up. His lip piercing gets tight around his lip when he yawns.

"If I didn't wanted to take you home then I wouldn't be offering a ride." He makes a good point so I just nod.

"Fine. I would be pleased if you give me a ride." He stands up, and grabs the car keys from his nightstand.

"Don't say fancy words. They don't make you more elegant." I nod again, bit he didn't see me.

We go down the stairs, and no one is there except for Anne, which she's in the living room reading a magazine.

"Mum I'm going to give Rose a ride home." I smile at her before leaving the front door.

Anne quickly walks up to me, and gives me a smile. "I would love if you can come over, and have dinner with us sometime." I open my mouth to say something, but I look at Harry first.

I start to say something, but Harry interrupts me. "Mum she doesn't have time to eat dinner with us. So now let me take Rose to her house before it gets late." I try to say something, but there's nothing to say to her. It breaks my heart having to leave Anne there with a really rude response from Harry.

We walk down the driveway, and I get in the car. When we're both in I look at Harry before putting my seatbelt on.

"I can't believe that you talked to your mom that way. She just wanted me to have dinner with you and your family." He starts to drive and passes a green light.

"What family? And you should be thanking me because you didn't wanted to come over for dinner in the first place." He says while still driving, but doesn't look at me.

"You don't know that." I argue back at him.

"Why do you want to have dinner with me and my family if we're not even friends. I barely know anything about you, and you know nothing about me." I don't know why him saying that we're not friends affected me so much. My heart dropped, and I feel like my body got numb.

"I do know something about you Harry. And what I know is enough, and that is that you'r a selfish jerk. You're a bastard, and thats why you will never have someone that will actually love you." I regret saying half of what I said, but its too late to take it back.

He steps on the break, stopping the car in the middle of the road. "Get out. Get out now!" He yells. I open the door, and when I get out I slam the door shut, as hard as I can. He quickly leaves, making that tire sound that happens before there's a car accident. Smoke comes out, and he leaves a tire mark in the road. When he disappears I start to walk down the dark street. The street that I'm in is not far from my house. I start to walk, and the only thing that you can hear is the street lights twitching sound. I avoid stepping on the small rain puddles that are in the sidewalk. I'm bipolar, but I don't act the way Harry does.

I can't believe Harry left me here. He is the one that offers me a ride home, but instead he leaves me here. I was a little ruff on him, but it wasn't my fault. I play the song, love don't die from The Fray in my head to distract me from the silent darkness.


When I get home, I silently walk in my room. I throw my backpack inside my closet because I won't need it for tomorrow. My parents are going on vacation tomorrow, so that means that Melissa is throwing the party. I will stay in my room, and finish the other half of the project, because I wont be able to do it with Harry.

When Im finished putting on my tank top and pajama pants I head down stairs to take my pills. I have to take two in the morning, and one before bed. I have to take this pills because they control my bipolar illness. It controls me from getting too happy that I might do something crazy, or getting too sad that I might commit suicide to myself. The pills are made out of a plastic shell and inside has the medicine. Half of it is white, and the other half is red. I grab my orange container, and I open it, dipping a pill in my hand. I then close it, and I put it back in the medicine cabinet. I swallow the pill with water, and I leave my head in the same position, looking up.

"Why did you come home so late?" I jump when Melissa comes out of nowhere.

"I was doing a project with... Harry." Saying his name feels like having to eat when your throat is scratchy.

"Oh the science project. Right?" She walks past by me and grabs a glass cup from the dishwasher. She pours in cold water from the fridge, and slowly swallow the water down.

"Yeah. So what time does mom and dad leave tomorrow for their vacation?" I change the subject because I don't want to talk about Harry anymore.

"They leave around four in the morning." Melissa sits on top of the counter, and finishes her last sip of water before putting the cup in the sink.

"So. Did Harry give you a ride home." I feel like saying, " We had a fight, and he then left me in the middle of the street, and I had to walk the rest of it in the dark" but I can't say it.

"Yeah." I look down at my lap because Melissa can tell when I'm lying or not. She swings her legs around like a little girl in a swing set.

"Isn't he sweet? I mean he's dangerous in a good way, and also so hot..." I snap my fingers in front of her face.

"Melissa your starting to droll on yourself." I say it exaggerating a little bit. She looks at me, with a type of eyes, that someone will look at you when their in love.

"Melissa what is it that you find interesting on him? I mean look at him he is covered in tattoos, and has piercings and..."

Melissa gets off from the counter and puts her hands on my shoulder. "Don't judge a book by its cover. Judge it after you have read the story." She walks away, and her words stay in my head like if they have been glued to me.

"What do you mean by that?" I say.

"It means that just because their appearance doesn't look like a type of appearance a person is used to doesn't mean you should judge them. You should know his life story first before saying anything. Because you don't know what that person had to go through in life. You don't know the pain they had to feel everyday, when they woke up all until going to bed."

Thats what Harry was talking about. I don't know how it feels like having your dad walk out of your family. She gives me a smile before heading upstairs. She stops in the middle, and turns around to face me.

"Get ready to study tomorrow for our upcoming test." She winks at me, and I know that she means by "studying" to "partying". She continues to go up the stairs, and into her room.

I turn around to face the kitchen window, and I look at the dark night sky before going to my room.

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