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(Comment if you don't understand something. Sorry that I haven't been updating everyday but I have been really busy.) thanks -WaleskaRomo

Nobody noticed that I have called the police, so I wait patiently for them to come, and destroy the party. The police then appear, and they stop the party. They quickly make everyone leave, and the party starts to slowly die with everyone leaving. I can hear the police men looking for Melissa from outside. Seconds later they are handcuffing Melissa, and they are taking her out of the house.

"Why are you doing this?" She questions to the police men. I have to admit I feel a little guilty, and maybe this wasn't a smart choice to do, but she deserves it. They start to put her inside the car, and before she is in, her eyes land on me. They burn into mine like if I were to be looking directly at the sun.

"You. It was all your fault!" She shouts her last words at me before disappearing into the car. The police then drives away, and I can see that Melissa is still looking at me from the side window. How am I going to tell mom and dad? This is all my fault, I should have just called them instead of calling the police. I quickly walk inside my house, where its empty, but has a huge mess. It looks like wild pigs threw the party instead of people. I grab a black trash bag, and I start cleaning the place up. Seconds after being focused on cleaning I hear a sound upstairs. The sound looks like its coming from my room, so I cant see who it is from down stairs. I start to walk up with the trash bag in my hand. I bet its a drunk person that didn't realize that the party is over. When Im at the top, I then see where the sound is coming from. I open the door to my room, and I gasp when I see whats inside.

"Harry what are you doing looking through my diary?" I snatch my diary from his hand, and I through it at my bed. His face looks scared, like if he just saw a ghost or something.

"Is it true? Is it true that you..." I quickly cover his mouth so that he wont say anything about my dairy, even though no one is around to hear but us.

"I don't know what you just read, but lets just forget about it. Okay?" I know that he's still drunk, because I can smell it on his breath. Which means that by tomorrow he wont remember anything about my diary. He nods, and I remove my hand from his mouth.

"And what are you still doing here? You know, the party was over a long time ago," I add. He takes a step towards me, and and looks at me directly into my eyes. He looks at me really seriously, and I think he wants to talk about the kiss we had earlier.

"I need a ride home." He sits down at the corner of the bed, and swallows some beer, from a bottle that he has been holding in his hand. He lays back, and stares at the ceiling.

"I don't know what to do now?" His voice sounds a little scratchy from the beer, but he keeps on drinking.

"Well you can stand up, and I can take you home..." I start to speak, but he interrupts me.

"No not that. I got in a big argument with my dad today before the party. He said that he wants him, and I to start over, and put the past behind us. But how can I do that when he has brought so much pain at, my sister, my mom, and me. He has done horrible things, and because of him my mom..." He swallows the rest of the beer, and throws the empty bottle at the wall. The smashed pieces of glass fall down on the floor.

"Relax, and no more drinking for you." I say right after he threw the bottle. "you can talk to me, I will be here for you." All of a sudden I feel like a supportive person, even though I should still be mad at Harry.

"No... I don't want to talk about it. I just want you to take me home." He sits up, and stands up. He tries to walk but he is too drunk to walk down the stairs.

"Whats the magic word," I tease him.

"Take me home now." I though he was going to say please, but I was expecting something that will never happen.

"Close enough." I grab his arm, and I raise it above my head, and into my neck. I help him walk down the stairs, and it wasn't that hard. I can feel his arm muscles tighten from behind my neck, and it feels like he has a lot of muscle. When we get to the bottom, he walks towards the kitchen and lays his head on the counter, making his butt stick out.

"Harry come on. I need to take you home." I reach out and I grab his arm. He groans and his cheeks are smashed against the counter. He sticks more of his butt out until he falls down, and crashes against the floor. I start to laugh hard, and I then realize that I have to help him up.

"Harry. Go lay down in the couch." He stands up, but he's half asleep. He walks towards the couch, and lays down. I search for his pocket to grab his phone, that way I can call his mom and say that he's staying over. I grab his phone from his pocket and I go to his contacts list. I scroll down all the way until I see "Mum". I dial her phone number, and she answers immediately.

"Sorry to disturb you mam. But I just wanted to tell you that Harry is too... I mean he felt asleep, and I don't want to wake him up." I don't want to tell Harry's mom that he has been drinking, because that's up to Harry to tell her.

"Oh thank you darling, but who are you?"

"Its me Rose. I came by your house yesterday to help Harry with the project." I sit down on the couch thats across from Harry.

"Oh thank you. I knew you were a caring, loving person the moment I laid my eyes on you." Her words make me warm from the inside, and I wish my parents can be like that.

"Thank you. I will bring Harry tomorrow as soon as the sun starts to raise." We say our goodbyes, and I then hang up. Now I need to make another phone call. I have to call my parents now. I set Harry's phone on the kitchen table, and I pull out my phone from my pocket.

While I wait for my mom to answer, I grab a blanket, and I cover Harry's body with it. When my mom finally answers I walk towards the thermostat.

"Hello? Sweetie is everything okay?" She says while I turn up the temperature a little.

"Yeah. I mean no." I inhale, and I then exhale before saying anything else. "Melissa threw a small get together party," I lie. " And it then got out of hand." She doesn't say anything, but I can feel her blood from the inside boil with anger. I can hear someone opening, and then closing a door from the background.

"What do you mean it got out of hand?" He voice gets a little louder, and I start to lower the volume down from my phone.

"Well she brought in alcohol into the party, and the police showed up." I quickly remove the phone from my ear as soon as my mom starts to yell at me.

"Mom Im sorry but it wasn't my fault." Actually it was my fault that the police show up, but if I wouldn't have called, the neighbors would have because of the loud music. So either ways, the police would still have ended up on going to our house.

"Im sorry if I have ruined your vacation with dad." I shouldn't have called my mom, but how are we going to be able to get Melissa out without their signature.

"I will be there in the morning." She hangs up before I could say anything else. I walk towards the window, and I just stare at the moonlight's reflection hitting the ocean. I then stare over to Harry which is now making soft snore noises. I think Im going to sleep here with Harry at the living room. I grab myself a blanket, and I lay down on the couch, thats next to him.

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