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When our first period ended we walked through the hall together. Aaron is just like me, but in a guy version. He loves piano, hates dark chocolate, and loves The Fray. Now that Liam, and Louis are not hanging out with me, Aaron will be enough to cover both of them, and everyone else that I meet. I only have him for the first three periods, and of course lunch.

"Maybe this is too soon for me to tell you but..." Aaron starts talking, breaking me from my thoughts, like tearing a pice of paper in half. He stops for a few seconds, and then swallows hard, before continuing.

"I just wanted to tell you that I was going to the Karaoke Doeky place this Friday night. I don't have friends because I'm new, and I wanted to..." I stop, and I look at him with caring eyes. I know that he's trying so hard to take me out, so I stop him, before he messes up, or does something stupid.

"Yeah. I would love to go to Karaoke Doeky with you. It will be fun." Ge kets out a sign of relief, and a smile then appears on his face.

"Good. I really didn't want to say anything that would make you not go with me." We start to walk, and I chuckle when he did a face at the end.

"But I will go in one condition..."

"Fine I will buy you all the chicken wings you want," He interrupts me.

"Yeah that, but also if you would sing a song with me. Every time when we go there with my family we sing, and I don't want to sing alone." He smiles, but Im not that convinced that if he actually want to sing.

"I don't know. Singing isn't my thing." He scratches the back of his head with his hand, and looks at me with a type of smile that you would have when you have gases.

"C'mon please. It's called Karaoke Doeky for a reason." I put my two hands together, and I look at him.

"Please. Please please please..." He puts his hands up, like people would do while dancing in parties.

"Fine. I would sing, but if only I pick the song." I give in, because I know that its now his turn to have a condition for singing.

"Okay. So what time do we meet up?"

"Well I was thinking about picking you up. Like at about seven p.m or if you want to meet up its fine with me."

"If you want to you can pick me up. I won't have my sister or anyone to take me over there anyways." He has this really cute smile thats hooks you from the second you see it.

"Then its a date." He walks away, and I just stay planted in the middle of the hallway, progressing what just happened. I just met a guy that day, and I already have a date with him on Friday night. Im really excited but nervous in the same time. I just met this guy, and I have a date with him already. I don't know why he walked away if I have him for second, and third period. I just start walking, towards my locker. When I'm in front of my locker I notice that its clean. Someone cleaned out the "Snitch Bitch" written on my locker. I bet it was just the janitor or something. I open it and I put my math binder inside. When I turn around, Liam, and Louis are standing behind me. I didn't notice my heart dropped until they look at me with a worried face.

"You guys scared me." I say while holding my hand up to my chest, where my heart is.

"Were sorry." They both say it in the same time. "I didn't mean to call you a psycho," Louis says. I let out a small breath, but it fells like it was deep. I look away, and I just keep on looking at the people walking by past us. I don't see Louis, and Liam as my best friends anymore. The spark that always came when I saw them just disappeared. Their eyes don't shine anymore with joy like it used to. I haven't been to the coffee shop across the street since the day we were going to. It feels like our friendship is dying little by little, with the most smallest things that happen.

"Did you hear me." Liam says, bringing me back to life. I shake my head, and I open my eyes wider.

"Im sorry. What were you saying?"

"We wanted to know if you want to come to the coffee shop with us after school. But we have to get there early or else the happy hour will end. And I really want to buy the caramel frappé for only half the original price." I giggle a little because last time Liam drank a caramel frappé he was laughing so hard by one of Louis bad jokes that the frappé came out of his nose. And that whole week we teased him by called him "squirty the elephant".

"Are you laughing about squirty the elephant?" Louis says it half laughing.

"Guys its not funny." Liam crosses his arms, and we start laughing harder.

"I could only smell caramel for the whole day." He adds after he see's that we didn't stop laughing. I close my locker door, and our laugh starts to die down.

"See this is how I want things to be like. I want them to be like the old times." Louis says. We start walking towards my second period class. I nod with agreement, but Im really not sure if I meant it. I mean I do want things to be normal, but I don't know if they can. I think I already found a new best friend. I mean Liam, and Louis got in a fight with me for a reason. Maybe I should start hanging out with new people. Like they say, "Everything happens for a reason".

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