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Minutes past and the whole restroom smells like weed. I look at myself in the mirror, and I look alive. My eyes are wide, and red. My body is shaking, and I know I'm high. I smoke about five times a day.

The restroom door handle shakes but it doesn't open.

"Harry are you in there? its me Zayn."

I don't answer. Instead I grab my backpack and I put everything away.

"Come on I know your in there," Niall says. I unlock the door and I open it.

Niall, and Zayn look at me like if I'm crazy.

"Were you smoking weed? You have to stop..." I walk past them to get out of the restroom.

"Nah I was smoking your ass," I sarcastically say. I feel dizzy, and maybe I will pass out.

I drop my backpack to the floor and I start to run. I start punching all the lockers and I start to shout.

"I fucking hate school!" I shout.

"Go suck my..." Before I can finish I bump into someone. She falls to the floor, but I gained my balance before I felt. Its Rose.

Liam, and Louis are next to her so they help her get up.

"Watch were your going bitch." I snap at Rose.

"Your the jerk that bumped into her," Liam fires back.

I grab Liam by the collar of his T-shirt and I shove him against the locker. I raise my fist into the air and I punch the locker next to him. My fist stings but I ignore the pain that then moves to my forearm.

"Harry don't hurt him!" Rose shouts but its too late. My fist swings and hits Liam in the jaw. Before I can hit him again, someone grabs me from the back of my shirt and throws me hard against the floor. When I look up Rose is standing in front of me.

"I don't care if you hurt me,but don't you ever touch Liam again." I never expected Rose to ever fight back or to ever defend herself. They all leave leaving me alone in the hallway. I stand up, Niall, and Zayn look at me and they try to hide there laugh inside.

"She got you good. Which means you should stop messing with her, or she will get you worse."

"Nobody messe's with me I will get her back. And she will never forget about it."

"Don't do anything stupid that you will regret Harry," I walk away ignoring them. Ignoring everything that's crossing in my mind and I focus on my hand. My knuckles are a sharp shade of red, and my middle knuckle is already bleeding.

Rose POV

I walk inside of science class with Louis next to me. He elbows me when we both see Harry in the corner snapping pencils in half.

"Are you scared of him?" he asks.

To be honest I am scared of him. I'm scared of what he could do to me, he could even kill me. When Harry turns around his eyes burn into mine. His dark, curly hair covers some of his eyes making his eyes hard to see.

"A little, but I have nothing to worry about."

I walk towards my seat passing Harry. He holds his leg out so I could trip, but I go over it.

"Learn a new trick Harry that one got old." His face looks like its about to explode, and I feel like I shouln't have said that.

"Class we are going to have a project this week. You will have exactly a week to work on it. You will turn your projects in by friday. You are having to work with a partner. But before you go crazy on who is going to be your partner. I am the one who will choose your partner." My stomach sinks and I try not to look at Harry.

"Maia you will be with Carmen. Gia you will be with Jake. Ashton you will be with Ashley. Ariel with Simon. Austin with Liana. Louis with Jade. And last but not least Harry, and Rose."

No please no! Why do I have to be with him. I scream the words inside my head.

"Why do I have to be with her?" Harry stands from his seat and points at me. His deep, accent voice booms through the room.

"You guys won't have time to do it during class, so you should do it after school." The teacher says ignoring Harry's question.

I can see Harry looking at me from the corner of my eye, but I don't look back. I bet Harry will tell me to do it all by myself, and will only help me on putting his name on it.

"In the end of the class I will hand a paper to each group. The paper will tell you what you have to do so you can pass your project."


The bell rings, but the teacher doesn't dismiss us. He walks towards every group and hands them a pink sheet.

I didn't notice how close Harry was until I heard his deep breathing behind me.

"Look if you want I can do all the work, and I will just put your name on it."

"Are you scared of me."

"Well the word scared is..."

"Are you scared of me." He repeats a little louder.

"I'm not scare of you I'm scared of what your capable of."

He starts to laugh on my face then sits down on top of the desk.

"Why are you scared of what I'm capable of? You did push me against the floor, and you barely even tried."

"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden. You bullied me for over two years, and all of a sudden you just change. Well let me tell you something, if your using me for something you are going to get nothing out of me." I shove the pink paper at his chest, and I walk out of class.


The whole day went slow, and for the first time Harry wasn't next to my locker to throw my books against the floor.

Liam, and Louis walk towards me when I get my books out of my locker.

"So your partnered with Harry. I feel bad for you," Louis says.

"Man how are you going to finish that project. I mean we all know he is a big jerk and he won't help you," Liam says.

"I bet he has more ink on his body then his own skin. And have you seen his piercing. He looks like..." Liam is interrupted by Harry which appears out of nowhere.

"I look like what?" Harry asks.

When Harry sees that Liam doesn't say anything Harry's face turns into a smirk.

"Yeah thats what I thought. You two get out of my face I want to talk to Rose in private."

They don't say anything instead they look at me, and I give them a nod. They look at Harry one more time before disappearing through the crowd.

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