n. nothing can tear us apart.

588 34 1

"—better have my money—"

jisoo remembers hearing some kind of music blasting down the stairs at 9am as she was busy rolling around in her bed for the past few hours. or so it was.

it must've been jennie.

she forgotten the brunette was in her home after passing out at 4am while talking about nothing but trying to keep jennie calm while recapping about chaeyoung. that name tasted dry on her tongue, the more she said it the more she felt like her life was being absorbed uselessly.

perhaps thats a good beginning to get over with.

that was besides the point, why was jennie so damn loud downstairs?

and at nine in the damn morning?

jennie always slept in and longer than jisoo had most days, and she remembers jennie not doing anything today. what was even today? jisoo grumbled as she rubbed her eyes harshly, slowly pushing herself up from her bed.

the noise from downstairs seemed to get louder as the older tiredly dragged herself out, placing her feet on the ground as she breathed slowly. just yesterday she was heartbroken, crying her eyes out until two in the morning. she felt like she couldn't breathe, her heart surrounded in a venus flytrap.

it felt enclosed.

like it was tighenting to burst soon.

yet, jennie was like.. she teared that trap open and saved her. but how could she do that?

jisoo had so many questions surging the minute she woke up, dragging her feet to pull herself down the stairs to firmly confront the loud resident in her house. she was busy sleeping, she needed more sleep after all for the lack thereof.

yet, as she neared the area where it was coming from..

"don't act like you forgot, don't act like you forgot—"

jennie, dancing wildly with a small broom in her hand as she was swinging her arms around in the kitchen in front of a stove lit up with eggs burning in a pan. oh..

jisoo felt her heart filling up.

filling, overfilling with affection and love.

"bitch better have my money!"

the small girl chanted, waving her arms around as she tended to the eggs every now and then to check them before returning back to her dance routine. it didn't take long for the song to end itself before jennie was flipping eggs into two empty plates with toast and butter. originally, jisoo never approved of any cursing in her house but she could save an apology for later or when she remembers.

"that was cute."

jisoo comments gently, making her way to the counter, making jennie jump a bit by surprise as the two made eye contact with one another.

"god—i completely—i thought you were sleeping still!"

"i can't really sleep when someone is yelling that someone should have your money."

the little comment from jisoo made jennie flustered for a second before she pushed the plate closest to her over.

"okay, first of all shut up,"

jennie points a finger at jisoo before turning to close the stove and drop the empty dishes into the sink. she hastily washed her hands before flicking it off into a towel, waddling over to the small empty kitchen table. she lightly patted the seat next to her as she took her own spot, making jisoo rush to do the same with her own plate.

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