y. meet me under yellow lights.

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"you're lying!"

"nope, it's all true. but it has a good ending, don't you think?"

jisoo playfully smiles, pinching the cheeks of the little child sitting in front of her as she leans back against the couch behind her.

"oh come on, jinjoo, why are you looking at me like that?"

"i'm mad at mom! why did she ignore you? doesn't make sense! you liked her!"

"i—ok, i think you missed the point of the story, little one." jisoo chuckled, watching how the other was crossing her arms in a pout. it was the same as hers, the exact same reaction but now, replicated on the one in front of her. "remember, your mom didn't know anything for a while."

it was adorable.

"i know, but! but.. but she liked everyone but you! it's unfair! you're very pretty 'omma.. it's.. unfair!" jinjoo whined, pouting even more as jisoo quickly scooped the child into her lap, brushing away her hair from her face. "but at least you win."

"i did win, didn't i?" jisoo laughed, seeing how her daughter's face morphed into a more relaxed expression from her considerable disgusted one. "but you're right, it was unfair, wasn't it?"


"do you want to scold your mom for it?"

"very!" jinjoo nods, putting a fist up as jisoo slowly lowered the child's hand with a soft smile. "i have a question though. what about aunt chaeyoung? does that mean mom still hates her?"

jisoo pretended to think, tapping her chin. she could remember all the days building up to this question like it was yesterday, but she had to think of a way to.. simplify it. the road was long, very long, and bumpy.. but it was worth it.

that's her last thought at the end of each day.

"they're all better now since.. a long, long time ago. they're bestfriends."

"that's good! that's good!" jinjoo nods, clapping her hands in excitement as her face practically lit up. "bestfriends are good. i like bestfriends."

jisoo grins, "yeah, bestfriends are good."

"just like you and mom. you guys, good" jinjoo gives a thumbs up, as if she approved the two's relationship, making jisoo mimic the exact same gesture back.

it's been a while.

after all the calendar ripping of these years, it's already been 10 of them that has passed since both her and jennie have decided to marry each other. they even bought their own place, and even took in their own daughter.

ever since then, things have been different. this time, different in a good way. a way that made jisoo's life different in a way that made her look forward to every passing second of everyday.

with someone else.

"i'm home!" a voice calls from the front as the two looked up towards the door, seeing a figure closing the door behind her. covered in a jacket jisoo told her to throw out a year ago because it was ripped, she knew who it was instantly.

she fixed it reluctantly when one of the seams tore. it was her favorite jacket after all.

jinjoo was the first to get up from their spot, running over to the woman at the door only to lightly punch the other's knees. "you're mean! a meanie, mom! a mean!"

"a mean? your 'omma was probably lying to you again" jennie scoffs, picking up the child in her arms as she walked over to jisoo who was seemingly snickering at her. "what did you do now?"

"me? i have no idea-"

"why didn't you like 'omma before? she liked you very much! very much! this much! this!" jinjoo complains, widening her arms to show how much jisoo liked the other. "you're mean!"

"oh, she said that, didn't she?" jennie says slowly, squinting at jisoo who was pretending to pick at her nails as she took the seat next to her. nudging the other's side, she stuck her tongue out in response as she rolled her eyes. "for your information, jinnie, i liked your 'omma very much. more than she liked me."


jisoo's eyes widened, covering jennie's mouth as she shook her head, "no, no, don't listen to her. you'll.. you won't understand. i'll tell you it again when you're older, how about that?"

jinjoo could only nod, curiously watching her parental figures bicker playfully back and forth as she smiled. "what's the story called?"


"yes! stories have titles. what's the title?" jinjoo repeats, patiently waiting in jennie's arms, eyes sparkling with the utmost admiration.

title. a title?

jisoo actually never thought about that, staring back at jinjoo with confused eyes. jennie could clearly read through the other's expression, trying her best to stiffle her laughter as she covered her mouth with a hand.

for one too, jisoo was also not good at naming things. she names things the way they are. cat? cat! tree? tree. dalgom was the exception, and he always will be.

but for a story? "um.. i.. well.. i don't have.. a title" jisoo hesitantly confesses in the end, rubbing her nape as she watched how jinjoo slowly started to deflate. "wait! wait, no.. i.. i have a title! i have one, i'm just.. trying to remember! yeah.. um.."

that was a lie, she had to think fast.

but what could it be?

"yellow.. lights?" jisoo says, almost as if it was a question wondering if it was right or wrong as jinjoo bought it right away. "it means a completely all in or stop, kind of like a traffic light. that make sense?"

"it does! i.. i think. i know traffic lights.. but i like the title" jinjoo agrees, seeming to love the improvised title. "yellow lights.. can you tell me it tonight before i sleep?"

"of course. why don't you go play for a bit then? i'll join you in a bit."

"yes, okay! let's play with the cars.. wait, wait, mom bought a new drawing kit! lets draw!" jinjoo lists out activities one after the other, jumping out of jennie's grasp to run out of the room, heading to hers.

and it was quiet. at least, a bit quiet since the youngest filled in the rather empty space that wasn't occupied by a ticking clock.

mindlessly, she doesn't know when, but jennie had started playing with jisoo's fingers as she kept her attention down at the ground.

"that doesn't sound like a bad title. yellow lights" jennie says quietly, as if she was trying to tease her but at the same time, meant it genuinely without a punchline. jisoo laughed at her, staring at the other with no lingering words.

there was so much to say still. so much.

she could go on about jennie still, even when they're older, she could write papers on papers about her. everything about her, she adored.

10 more years together since, and even more into the future.. didn't sound like a bad idea at all. it never did.

jennie picks her head up, a teasing smile now plastered on her face, "but in other words, what you're saying is.. i'm the best thing that happened to you since we met? what, like in the last 10 or something years?"

and jisoo beams back, "unless i missed something?"

jennie shook her head at that. she knew the answer.

"no. no, you didn't miss anything."

and just like how they started, this was how they were going to end. jisoo falling in love with jennie under yellow lights, except this time, she isn't the only one falling.

not this time.

jennie, too, was now falling in love with jisoo as well under yellow lights.


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