k. she's so far from me. again.

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a/n : nervous chuckle insert here

jisoo was helpless. not like she wasn't beforehand, but she doesn't know any word to describe what she was feeling right now.

to be honest, she was great with vocabulary. amazing in fact.

always knew big words, what they meant and what described her. she knew how to give advice to others, and to herself somedays too—emotions, especially her own, weren't hard to overcome. so this was something new, something that she hasn't tackled on her own.

or maybe one of her friends did it's just she never felt that feeling firsthand so she's struggling.

it's been about 30 minutes since chaeyoung and lisa have been chatting, laughing—doing all the things they should be doing—downstairs happily and loudly. jisoo's little confrontation with jennie's ex wasn't as calm as she had wanted it to be.

there wasn't cursing..

"do you know how much you fucking hurt her?"

okay, maybe mild but it wasn't like she was about to throw her out of her house..

"you're lucky lalisa. you're lucky that i would never hurt and throw out another person close to chaeyoung."

or maybe it's just a wild image in her head. but it consisted of jisoo yelling and lalisa arguing back until chaeyoung came back and suddenly both girls turn into angels. of course, both masks for the one girl they're after.

but chaeyoung is already after jisoo, so she supposes she wins already.

right now, it's like the tables are turning however.


a soft, comforting voice filled the somewhat quiet atmosphere of jisoo's room since she was playing games on her pc with headphones in and everything. the older could hear her clearly, she just chooses to pretend.

chaeyoung closes the door as silently as she could, turning to stand beside jisoo who was yet to spare a single glance at her. she had her hand on her shoulder, it felt a bit warmer than usual since chaeyoung's was always, always cold.


"i'm playing."

"there's a pause button to that. i need to ask you something."

there was a few minutes of clicking from the mouse and rapid tapping on the keyboard, but jisoo gave in since the warm hand of her girlfriend was bothering her more than it should. she pushed her headphones down from her ears, eyes focused up at the beautiful woman in front of her.

for some reason, her presence—although there was nothing to be scared of losing it—felt fragile.

"i heard you guys yelling downstairs."

"we were."

"and it sounded like both of you wanted to rip each other's arms off."

"we wanted to. violence is prohibited though."

a heavy sigh escaped chaeyoung's mouth, and her hand retreated from jisoo's shoulder. there was almost the instinct of hers to grab her hand and place it back to where it was before like she always does, but this time she doesn't.

even as the feeling was strong.. jisoo just couldn't pull chaeyoung closer to her this time.

"it was over jennie wasn't it? over her breaking up with her.. and stuff?"

"i don't like her chaeyoung, i'll be honest with you. she just gives me bad vibes ever since jennie came into my house for a while, so seeing her with you—a close bestfriend—you know, i don't want you to get hurt. she's not a good person, chaeng."

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