q. don't fix it if it's broken

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it was consistent. jennie.

rather than waiting for a text to ask which movie they should watch tonight, jisoo would wait for a call from a drunk jennie to tell her where she has to get her. somehow. she only gets an answer after driving around the neighborhood for ten minutes until realizing she's even farther than that. she's not sure how she gets to those places, nor how she knows where the party is, but it just goes to show how many connections jennie truly has.

it's a bit scary knowing just how many people know jennie, or really, how many people she knows. in high school, she wasn't always that open of a person at first—but then again, that was when she was new. she practically peaked after the first month or two and suddenly everyone knew who jennie kim was.

sucks to suck, jisoo was the first one who knew jennie kim. and to know that she, kim jisoo, was the first person jennie kim knew.. she had to brag about it.

nowadays since they've became adults, jennie had met even more people, especially those people jisoo's mom tells her not to talk to because they were bad influences. one of them might be the guy named mino, someone jisoo knew as well but for the wrong reasons. he made a big name of himself for all the party crashing and illegal races he held in certain parts of the city, she doesn't want to know how jennie got so close with him.

then there was hoyeon, now turned model that gets jennie seats in fashion shows sometimes because she was attending. she wasn't all that bad, but jisoo knew the girl is very much set on getting jennie a significant other ever since that one blind date she was set up on.

actually, hoyeon was the reason why jennie and lisa even got together in the first place, but jisoo doesn't know if she should blame her or not. she just wants her friend to be happy, and that goes the same for her too.

she wants jennie to be happy, but it seems that everytime she asks that she always has to get hurt. it's a push and pull.

these thoughts were all scattered around between the four nights in a row that jisoo had been picking jennie up from different houses in a worse state than before. today would mark the fifth as jisoo was starting up the vehicle, listening to the girl on the other side explaining how cute the fish looked where she was.

as if she didn't see fish before, it made her scoff at that.

the behavior of the girl had been slowly deteriorating, the pieces falling into jisoo's hands as she'd try to put them back. they'd only fall off the next night when jennie would stumble into her arms, a whole mess trying to wipe away her tears. she couldn't think of any possible reason as to why the latter was acting like this, she wasn't even dating anyone so who was she crying over?

what was she crying over?

everytime jisoo would try to get some sort of answer from jennie's drunken thoughts, it would always divert into another topic or she'd fall asleep first. she didn't even bother to ask again when she'd sober up. she didn't know why, but she never asked.

"jennie, i'm here. where are you?"

"you're here!? where? are we playing hide and seek?"

"no, we aren-"

"i'm coming to find you, don't worry!"

if jisoo wasn't so patient, she swore a vein would've popped by now as she walked around the crowded house, trying to find the girl probably running around like a little kid. seriously, she doesn't think she's ever handled someone so tiring as this, but she puts up with it. she always does, who will if she doesn't?

pushing pass the wobbling partiers on the dance floor, she found her way into the kitchen, assuming jennie might've been around. she was always in this place, grabbing another bottle for her hundredth shot of the night probably. she couldn't even ask someone around who was sober enough to answer, they'd probably just pull her around and she did not have the time for that.

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