g. forcing an 'us'

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"yeah, and one soup. thanks jin."

"who are you talking to?"

"its just my brother, jendeuk,"

jisoo would explain before hanging up the phone, turning around on her chair to face the restless jennie. after that rainy day, she had caught a cold and since she lived alone and was practically weak she had no one.

jisoo was always there for her anyways.

"he's going to come over with my sister to take care of you. i told them to buy you soup and your favourite snacks. i know you tend to starve yourself when you get sick."

"why can't you stay?"

jennie pouted sadly, her tiny hands on the sheets that were covering almost half of her face. it was almost an irresistible sight that jisoo nearly called back that she would stay and comfort her.

but she knew she couldn't.

"i can't, i have to be somewhere. i promise to come home right after, okay?"

jisoo can't always keep her promises, but hell she could make 100 of those with jennie and she'd go through anything and everything just to be sure she kept them.

her dedication was almost insane. maybe too much that in the end, it would kill her.

that's what she fears. the worst of it all, for loving jennie too much.

without another word, jennie simply nods, understanding the truth as she turns around in her bed. seeming to have drifted off, jisoo quietly picks up her bag before closing the door shut behind her to jennie's room.

she would've loved to stay.

on her way towards the front door, jisoo made sure to take quick glances around the familiar environment of jennie's home. it was quite large, but it had that comfortable aura it kept. and, as if she knew it well, jisoo stops by a small table on her way towards the front door.

small picture frames stood on top. her parents were displayed mainly everywhere, jisoo remembers she was an only child too.

but in the middle, instead of most households where it would be of jennie with her parents, was her with jisoo when they graduated.

she didn't know why she picked up the frame, but she could see how happy they were. they were still happy.. but it wasn't like that day.

she misses the simple days, but jisoo simply puts away the picture before slipping her shoes on to leave. it would be selfish of her to think of that, because what if jennie didn't want that?

what if jennie didn't want that by her side like she did with her? jisoo always gave that a good thought throughout her days on.


"i'm okay, thanks."

jisoo tried to give her best smile, but it was a bit more harder than she had thought as she sits quietly on the ground. she waited in silence as she watches the other take a seat next to her, filling a small glass with wine for herself.

"sorry for coming in randomly, chaeyoung.. i just—"

"are you kidding me?"

she would begin, but there was still the regular playfulness tone as she chuckled a bit,

"i missed you here. i have a feeling you want to, uh, talk about what happened. is that right?"

jisoo could only hum, keeping her hands in her lap and head down. she had a feeling that if she were to even look at chaeyoung once, everything would start crashing again.

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