v. i'm ready for love

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"take a seat."

"our beloved summer?"

"hey, it's a good show! i love kim dami, i just reached the part where woong was asking her to still love her again. for all i know, they better end up together or i'm going to have to cry again the same way i did when i finished twenty five twenty one last week..."

the younger one explains, setting down a cup of tea on the table in front of them as she settles into the empty seat next to jisoo on the couch. reaching for the remote, she exits to the episodes of the show, seeing how much she had left to finish of it.

"chaeyoung-ah, did you even sleep?"

"sleep? while i have a kim dami show unwatched?"

the girl scoffs playfully, showcasing the red lines under previous episodes to show how far she had gotten to this point of the show. for the next few minutes, it's filled with comments and chatters of the show and the actors and actresses within it.

no, jisoo hadn't watched it yet. nor does she plan on doing so, she doesn't have enough patience for it in her life anymore.

why were they even an hour long? or sometimes even longer than an hour? jisoo wished they were shorter.. preferably the same length as the pokemon episodes she prefers to binge before she goes to sleep every night instead.

the more jisoo watched how bright chaeyoung's expressions would shift when she would talk about her favorite scenes of the show, the more jisoo believed that the other had finally reached a better ledge to sit on. a safer one. perhaps for herself too, to be able to look at chaeyoung without breaking anymore must be a grand achievement from the past.

to smile instead of breaking is a great achievement, jisoo believed that.

"hey, you know, speaking of dami, i still haven't watch this movie she's in- i think it's thriller... the witch? i heard there's two parts to it"

and as the raven haired girl's eyes switched from the latter to the tv screen, she watched how she exited and scrolled to the top of the menu. she knew how netflix worked, each person's account usually had their own name to their profiles.

that's how it caught her eye almost immediately.

"i don't remember you telling me that you switched your name to 'lalisa' with a heart next to it. you even added a symbol to it too, huh?"

"huh? oh- oh shoot- you- you weren't suppose to see.. that-"

chaeyoung, now realizing what jisoo was referring to, had changed her focus from searching for the movie's availability on the menu to swiftly moving down the menu with no intention to stop. she wasn't even looking at this point, but rather resulted to trying to change jisoo's attention to something else as she was now spewing out whatever came to her mind first.

words, words- lots of them- did she just mention she has a horse? jisoo can't keep up with whatever she was saying which is why-

"yah, yah, can you stop scrolling? my eyes are going to roll back into my head with the amount of shows!"

"-the sky is blue, did you know the sky is blue? perhaps we should look at the sky more, see how blue it is-"


"-is it really a sky blue? what if it's secretly a baby blue? or a blue that hasn't been identified yet in existence?-"


"-i want to be the one to figure out the blue, don't you want to know what kind of blue the sky is because-"

"yah, park chaeyoung!"

✓  yellow lights, jensooWhere stories live. Discover now