i. i'm not over you.

584 38 4

a/n : slightly longer than previous chapters :: ))

"wow, for me?"

"for you, it says my girlfriend after all!"

jisoo could only stare at chaeyoung with wide eyes as she glances between her cheeky smile and the flowers she had brought her. the way it smelt just like her was amazing, and how it was just as beautiful as her.

its been a week once again since jisoo has now talked to jennie, but in fairness—she hasn't felt.. different.

there has been a lot of reflecting and a lot of time to herself that she doesn't know how it affects anything. or if it even did. jisoo has always been the type to recharge alone and to always have a lot of alone time but for some reason it felt like she really needed it.

"where did you get these? i don't remember a flower shop being nearby"

"yeah, uh.. you know, i would drive anywhere for you. so i went all the way for some just for you, aren't i thoughtful~?"

"sure, sure you are"

although for just a second, jisoo left a small kiss on chaeyoung's cheek as she went ahead to lay the flowers into an empty vase. jisoo decides to ignore the short pause and strange hesitation in the other's voice for a second, being in a good mood already.

she always told herself that she had chaeyoung but for once she can finally believe in it now. each and everyday her love for the younger one seems to just increase by bits, and they always take small steps in their relationship. however, there are things that chaeyoung seems to want but she always accommodates for the older.

it felt refreshing.

that's what jisoo would say the relationship was like.

"anyways let's get going to the party? i told my friends we'd be a little late already anyways"

"you won't leave my side, right?"

"as if! i'm glued to you once we're in that place"

jisoo was never the party person, its always been a preferred planned hangout with a few of her friends at a house. of course, chaeyoung should know this better than anyone because.. well..

they're dating now. jisoo had already told her many times beforehand anyways too.

"park! whats good!"

assumingely a friend of chaeyoung's slurs as she stumbles her way towards them. jisoo could already tell she didn't have a good feeling being there already, plus with the fact that she doesn't drink.

compared to chaeyoung, the girl was quite.. small.

"easy there, son,"

chaeyoung firmly puts a hand on the other woman's shoulder to keep her steady. it was clear she was already drunk, with the way her words were falling out with her actions too.


jisoo would question in a whisper, unsure whether that was their name or just a nickname she gave to her.

"son chaeyoung. we prefer to keep it easy at last names."

"you're on guard today.. really not.. like you!"

the other smiles as she wobbles back from getting out of the grasp chaeyoung had her in. jisoo already felt a feeling of uneasiness around her girlfriend's so called bestfriend, but she didn't want to bring down the atmosphere. she wanted to make a good impression anyways.

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