c. it hurts a lot, doesn't it ?

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"jisoo! over here!"

"you don't have time off?"

"well, i partially own this place right? it doesn't matter anyways, plus i've been overtime with you lately. coffee?"

its on a late afternoon, saturday to be exact. the day was always clearly printed in jisoo's head along with a few others because of what had happened.

jennie had been away from her apartment consistently recently, but it makes her feel better knowing she's getting back to becoming more outgoing again with her friends. she'd rather have her outside than inside her stuffy room anyways.

aside from work, the older never had anything to do. which is one of the reasons she takes extra shifts or even overtime when needed because she doesn't exactly have to be anywhere right away. even when jennie moved in, it was more in the night when she needed her the most too.

so, after giving some thought, she figured she'd try to meet up with her friends as well.

actually, usually 'friends' refer to only park chaeyoung this time around when its busy in the day time.

jisoo had known her since middle school, the other only being two years younger than her so she would always look after her. but it soon balanced out when they grew up, and there were times when jisoo would look at chaeyoung with awe and adoration.

it only made her feel relieved doing it because she would get the same look back. which was weird, because she always thought jennie would be the one to do what chaeyoung does.

everything she thought of, chaeyoung did instead.

"its been a while since you asked to meet up, how are you doing? you know, with jennie and all. she's still with you right?"

"at night yeah. she's probably going to move back home in the next week i think. how about you and your, uh..."

"ex. its nothing, i mean it hurts too but.. its really nothing compared to you."

chaeyoung had taken a hold of jisoo's wrist gently, rubbing her single tally mark that seems to be haunting the older. honestly, everyone knows how hard she's been taking it except jennie herself, but nobody rats its out.

well, yet.

"it hurts a lot, doesn't it?"

"getting a tally mark? it only pinches you but—"

"no, i mean, your heart."

jisoo was always easily struck in the right places by chaeyoung. she wasn't sure how she knew what to ask, or when to say it, or how to properly speak it. it was just always at the times jisoo feels vulnerable for a second, and the question would make her feel the need to say the truth.

"i guess. but if it hurts a lot, it'll just become numb to the pain right? so it'll just be normal."

"i don't think thats how things work."

"it worked last time."

"oh yeah sure, when we were in high school, like seventeen or whatever. we're adults jisoo, we work differently. that includes your heart."

chaeyoung only has two tally marks, so jisoo wasn't sure how she knew so much about how it hurts or how to help heal her more than herself. usually she was so used to guiding the younger one, but was always put down in the end to be taken care of.

the thing is, chaeyoung just never had.. a good rep with.. loving people romantically.

"whatever, i'll get over it."

the younger girl was always rumoured to be a cheater. nothing was ever confirmed, because there were always evidences leading back to her significant other. jisoo was always one of the few people siding with chaeyoung back then, but she never left her side even after that.

jennie, however, was someone against chaeyoung. thats the thing jisoo couldn't place her finger on, and she was always split between the two during lunch breaks.

"you know, everyone says that. its been a few years now."

"well i just—i just can't get over jennie. you know? i just can't magically stop liking her and expect everything to be normal and i'll go back to my normal routine. its more than that. she means more than that to me."

"then i'll help you,"

jisoo blinked a few times confused, staring at chaeyoung who had quite a serious face on.

"help with what? what are you going to do?"

"i don't know, it's more of an experiment. i'll promise to piece you together, in exchange you just have to do the same. two broken hearts could make one. maybe its what we both need to get up again."

it felt fast. a bit too fast.

just a few days ago jisoo was just considering this is what she needed, and even earlier today as well. but now that what she needs is indeed right in front of her, she doesn't know what to do.

or say.

what could she say then?

jisoo wasn't ready to move this fast with chaeyoung. because thats how it happened with jennie and she doesn't want to go through the same with someone like the younger girl.

"ahem—um, yeah i—shoot, look at the time! i have to be somewhere with my sister, i'll text you?"

she was just scared of feeling the same way.

the blinding noise of the tv was covering jisoo's head of the compromise chaeyoung made with her. it benefitted them both, they could both heal and no doubt they probably did need a healing partner.

but it could always be more than just that.

jennie hasn't came home yet, so jisoo always stayed up each night to make sure she comes home safely. even if it goes up to 5am because she's drunk and doesn't even want to talk to her.

its only 2am at least, so jisoo could hold her game up longer than most would think.

but its when she could really use jennie the most, to ask for advice on what to do. she couldn't simply ask her though, because it revolved around them two.

jisoo still picked up her phone anyways, and scrolled to her messages with jennie.

chuchu !
can you come back |
can you co |
can you come back, if thats alright with you ?? |
can you come back, if tha |
can y |

it was a coward move, to ask jennie. even though they always go to each other first even until now.

but jisoo guesses she should try to leave jennie alone now without weighing her with all these problems.

so, she scrolls a bit to the bottom of her messages with chaeyoung. hesitantly, her thumbs begin to type out sentences she would've sent to jennie.

about what you said
i guess it would be nice to have someone

chaeng :o
you can't end this love on your own, jisoo.
please, just let me help you.

i'm not saying no, chaeng.
we can try it.
can you come over, if thats alright with you ?

chaeng :o
i'm coming, don't fall asleep hahahahkbye

jisoo knows she'll regret this, or she'll maybe think of it as a decision she was proud of making. either way, she could already feel as if it was a way to help with something between her and jennie.


as long as jennie doesn't really find out. but considering how she's feeling, jisoo feels as if things will go back now.

slowly, but surely.

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