x. i think i do.

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it was almost like a switch flipped when jisoo first indirectly confessed to jennie that night. it wasn't an immediate reaction, but the way jennie started treating jisoo was barely recognizable to her. or, it just felt that way. the older was dramatic after all.


"i bought coffee, let's sit"

"jennie, it isn't valentines day, you don't have to do all of this"

"it doesn't have to be valentines day for me to do this, right?"

their conversations were always like that for a little bit, other times, they went rather smoothly. normally, she means.

"let me"

"i can get out of cars myself, you know"

"just- let me, okay?"

right. normally.

when this sort of behavior went on for a bit, jisoo tried to take the advantage and see the bigger picture. jennie is being nice to her! she always is, but.. you know, taking a step further, she supposes. and even moreso, jennie is getting her all the "useless things" she would ignore on a regular basis!

that had to be a win.

jisoo tried to see it as a win, and never thought too hard on it. that was when she started to feel... out of place.

about jennie.

she started feeling like she was being avoidant again. however, moreso in a different kind of way. not like before, definitely not like before. but it was almost like..

if jennie was running away before, she was, for sure, running at her now.

except this time, she's running past her. missing her.

"i already cleaned the dishes and fed dalgom"

"oh, thanks..? i'll make dinner then-"

"no need, i'm already making something on the stove"

and things like this, such as cooking, didn't really bother jisoo before. jennie always enjoyed cooking, even when they were younger, and she loved baking on top of it all as well. but when jennie starts proposing these fancy recipes to fancy restaurants for absolutely no occasion.. it didn't sit right with her.

not that there had to be a certain occasion for anything.

personally, jisoo just believes there should be one if jennie keeps going all out every single day. it surprises her how the other hasn't lost all her money at this point with the way she keeps getting things.

and for some reason, just like it was deja vu, when jisoo asked jennie about her behavior, she said nothing.

"i just felt like it."

those words felt warm in the moment, she wouldn't deny that. having someone who does things just because they feel like it for you is almost over the moon to jisoo.

so she hung onto that. maybe jennie would tell her if she just went along with it, maybe she wasn't ready yet.

they were still working on themselves, but this time, patiently. they weren't in a rush to fix themselves, weren't hurried to do something right away.

they were at their own pace.

and that's what keeps jisoo asleep at night when she's lying on the couch with jennie beside her, watching whatever new drama the younger found on netflix. she swears she saw watched every single movie because of jennie's little movie binge, but she watches nonetheless.

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