e. to love someone else

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its been exactly one week since jisoo argued with jennie, but the more she was getting closer to chaeyoung the less she was to jennie too. for some reason this problem never really showed up before. to be honest, balancing the friendship with the two girls was the most easiest thing somedays.

now, she feels as if chaeyoung is all she has time for.

was jennie hating every moment she's out with her? like hell. did she really mind an angry jennie? well, you'd think she would've gotten use to it..

but its difficult.


and its not because of the fact that jisoo is genuinely scared of her, she's gotten use to her tantrums and her upsetting emotions. mainly its because of what jennie had said about chaeyoung, and that.. well.. she's..

different. in a way.

jisoo has gotten use to being dragged to her after work parties, but because she didn't drink she was responsible for bringing her home. they weren't dating, but she still felt a sense of jealously when she saw how close the younger would get with the other guests on the dance floor and with the drinks.

tipsy as she gets, the older even nearly watched her fall into another guy's arms but she couldn't bare the sight and pulled her away.

chaeyoung had always said she knows what she's doing when she's drunk, and if thats the case—jisoo doesn't want to know the reason why she acts like that. if it is what she thinks it is.

those thoughts started running on a friday night 'date' with chaeyoung, jisoo once again having a hard time getting out of jennie's sight. both of them cuddled into the other's side as they watched the latest drama released, whatever the title was.

that was when she brought the topic up.

"hey, chu?"

slight goosebumps appeared on jisoo's arms when she heard the nickname, not being used to hearing it from someone's mouth that isn't jennie's.


"how many tally marks do you have?"

at first, her question started strange because she believes she knows the answer already. everyone does, even if jisoo talked to them once.

"only one? remember?"


chaeyoung clearly sounded disappointed, moving her head to the side as she remained quiet. concerning and out of worry, jisoo grabs the remote to pause the drama before turning to the girl beside her.

"why? what's wrong?"


"yah, chaeyoung-ah c'mon... its always something when you say that."

jisoo waited patiently for her to open up again, and it wasn't long until she turned to face her too. chaeyoung huffed, taking a few deep breathes before holding out her right wrist.

the older made sure to count each one, and when she reached the number she remembered her having—she noticed it.

"you—you have.. you have a tally mark?"

"from you."

"from.. from me?"

"yeah. it happened this week, i can't remember when though. you're starting to mean more to me, jisoo. i want to be more than just a helping hand. or.. i guess.. i think i like you, is what i mean."

✓  yellow lights, jensooWhere stories live. Discover now