t. i always come back to you.

469 34 3

a/n : happy d-1 to blackpink's born pink OMGOMG

"dalgom, you don't think i'm a bad guy right?"


"your barking is cute but i could really use some advice right now.."

jisoo frowned, staring hard into her dog's eyes attempting to look for any answer. any word. anything really, knowing well that she wouldn't get one. perhaps it might had something to do with dalgom being a dog.. she's not too sure though.

it's been about.. well, today marks exactly five days since jisoo and jennie had talked. after their fight when jennie walked out the door, jisoo feared the worst that she had walked out of her life for good.

something inside of her refused to think that though, she thinks they've went through worse than this and jennie still never left.

the only difference this time around is that jisoo finally told jennie how she felt.

how could she do that to her? she just screamed it out during a heated argument and now it ruined almost everything between the two of them. how could she force such feelings onto jennie like that? was it even forcing? she caught her off guard for sure, but she couldn't help it when she was pissing her off about chaeyoung and why she started distancing from jennie.

"do you- no. you're going to be biased, you're my pet after all.."

this time around, she tried going out for a change compared to what happened after she lost chaeyoung. that wasn't healthy at all, so jisoo tried continuing on like nothing happened.

but it didn't help the feelings at night. when all she could hear is screaming and she swore she sometimes heard jennie's voice still in the empty house. she heard jennie's laughter like she was still there with her. like she was haunting her. her ghost.

she couldn't dare to deny it, she missed her. she missed jennie.

jisoo knew she shouldn't call, she shouldn't try to. she was the one who scared jennie off, it'd be better if she was the one who called first. but she's always so close.

she almost does. she almost calls jennie.

"..what do you think i should do, dalgom?"

jisoo continues talking to her dog, sighing frustratedly at a loss for words as she gazed over to her front door. there had been a few times from the past couple days where she would open her door, hoping to see jennie standing there. hoping to see jennie coming back, even if it was in a way that she was going to tell her off and break their friendship.

even just seeing jennie despite the negatives would be good enough for jisoo, but seeing no jennie was equally just as bad.

maybe it was a sign from the universe, the entire time this was always planned to happen and they were forbidden from being with one another. she hopes it wasn't true, for as long as she liked jennie with this stupid tally mark it would've all been for nothing.

and that's also bad.

busy trying to sort her brain, her eyes automatically followed after her dog who had gotten up to run around. for a moment, it would pause before looking around, as if searching for something specific. dalgom was always strange like that, so jisoo didn't think anything of it.

until it ran towards a small bag neatly set by the stairs towards the front door, kicking at it with the intention of trying to open it.

"..yah, don't ruin that, dalgom-ah!"

✓  yellow lights, jensooWhere stories live. Discover now