s. all that i had left is gone: pt 2

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a/n : the longest chapter in the entire story around 3k words !! i would like to also announce that i've started a more lighthearted jensoo au "cruel summer" and is currently up right now, so also check it out <33

"jennie, i told you, i don't want to-"

"what? what's so wrong with wondering why?"

"i told you, it's something i don't want to talk about!"

"and i told you we should talk about that!"

it was 2:39am, thursday night exactly. jisoo remembered this time and date exactly because it would be that for the next few weeks or so, it's all she's going to dread.

2:39am. she didn't dare to stay up past that time or to stay up long enough to see nor know it was coming.

this was the first major fight that jisoo had ever gotten into with jennie. and for the longest time, she always said she never wanted to get into one with the younger one because she knew it'll go down the wrong way. she was right. of course she was right. she knew jennie the best.

and she knew herself partially the best.

after jennie showed up at her door about 5 minutes ago, jisoo had been trying to shoo her away like it'd be as easy to do with a house fly. jennie wasn't a house fly, but a stubborn cat that only pounced forward when jisoo moved back.

she kept asking her the same question; why. why didn't jisoo pick up? why was jisoo acting so distant? why was she suddenly turning her back on her? it kept repeating over and over again, but all the older did was avoid it.

she just wasn't sure why she was avoiding jennie's constant questions. it'd be easier to just reply, she was usually a confrontational person and liked attacking things head on after all. then, if that was the case, why was she refusing to answer jennie? perhaps she was lying to herself the entire time after all. perhaps.

this was tiring. because now the two found themselves through to jisoo's kitchen where she stood on one side of the counter while jennie was pacing back and forth on the other. she kept on mirroring jisoo's directions to make sure she wouldn't run away, but why would she anyways?

"i don't get why you're being so difficult right now, out of all times!-"

"difficult? you're the one who keeps asking over and over and i'm the one being difficult?!"

"oh, so we're going that way huh? if you want to argue we can argue! i can go on forever!"

"why can't you just drop the questions?"

"because ever since you brought that shit up, you started acting all weird! how am i suppose to know what's going on jisoo, i'm not a damn mind reader!"

that was the first curse of the night, but it surely wasn't going to be the last of them. jisoo has always been stern on the 'no swearing' rule inside of her house, but she only let it slide this once because she was overly irritated. irritated with jennie and everything in between.

she hated how bright her lights were, how she left them on just after she left the kitchen. she hated how her counters still had a few crumbs on it from her crackers that she had last night, how she missed cleaning those up. she hated how cold it was getting because she just had to forget to turn up the heat around her apartment.

she hated this, she hated that. she was getting irritated.

and it wasn't helping that she was building up right in front of jennie who was doing anything but helping her. of course, jennie knew her the best, naturally she would change the way she'd approach things because she somehow always knew how jisoo felt.

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