d. me, you and her

676 52 18

chaeyoung stayed over for the night. jisoo knows this because jennie was the one who woke the two of them up from the couch, deep in sleep within each other's arms somehow. it was a big blur, but the older remembers what jennie said and how she looked.

"what the hell are you doing with jisoo?"

her breath was clearly holding alcohol, and she smelt of it too the more she got closer to them. jisoo saw how her face was disgusted at the scene, but it later shaped into an anger expression.

jennie always gets upset when she's drunk, but she sensed it wasn't.. just about being upset.

whatever it was, jisoo hasn't seen jennie since she woke up as her bed was empty but was still neatly arranged and everything. she lazily moved around on the floor to look for her phone, eyes gazing over the dim screen.

chaeng <3
sorry about making jennie mad.
i didn't mean to fall asleep really

sooyaa !
don't worry, i know she doesn't mean it
what are you up to ?

chaeng <3
i'm heading out for an extra shift
let's hang out later ? my place ???
we could eat pizza or sumn

sooyaa !
jennie wouldn't like that |
jennie would |
jen |
i'm cool with that, i'll text u

chaeyoung and jisoo were a bit of an odd pair together. since chaeyoung was more of a risk taker and prefers to take the more adventurous path, jisoo has a hard time getting with her. its like when they have hard times seeing each other's sides, or understanding the other's feelings.

yet here they are, agreeing to help each other.

as jisoo makes her way to the kitchen to find something to eat, still in her pajamas, the door opens quietly as she glances over to the visitor. not that she expected anyone else as she saw jennie fumbling around with her keys and everything, jisoo was still happy to know she's home.

"oh, you're awake."

the tone in jennie's voice sounded strange, most often jisoo knew what it was like but she couldn't place her finger on it. her expression looked surprised though, yet she sounded mad.

"oh, uh.. yeah.. i guess i'm awake. i'm just going to eat."

"close the fridge, i bought pancakes."


"seriously chu, don't make me throw yours away."

reluctantly, she retreated from the fridge to take a seat at the table as she watched jennie hang her coat. it was quiet between them, the only sounds being the bag the pancakes were being taken out of. it hasn't been this quiet before.

not since jennie moved in.

they sat across from one another, jisoo wanting to say something but scared to say it wrong. not only that, but she assumes the other is in a hangover.. and headaches follow those. she thinks they do at least, so she'd rather not add onto it.

"why was chaeyoung here last night?"

jisoo doesn't know if there's a right or wrong answer. whatever she says, it'll receive a negative answer from her. she knows how much she hates chaeyoung, but no reason was really given to her.

"we were hanging out."

"why didn't you ask me?"

"you were out partying jennie. i didn't want to pull you out of that just to come home to watch a movie. we can do that any other time."

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