l. all that i had left is gone: pt 1

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a/n : the most anticipated angst chapter pt 1 ,, even longer than usual chapters ! all i can say is that you can wave goodbye to chaesoo <3

where could she be? what could she possibly be doing? does she mean it? does she truly know what she's doing?

such questions, and even the ridiculous ones were flooding the brain of jisoo's as she had been running in the rain that began to pour just a few moments ago. there were a lot of explanations that could tell her why chaeyoung was doing what sooyoung might say she is. there could be a lot of possibilities too, maybe it was a lie.

oh god, she hates lies.

but just this once. and only once... she wants it to be one.

in spite of it all, jisoo was surprised a tally mark hasn't pinched her yet and to be honest—she hopes it never does and never will. not until things were confirmed, because she knows the mark will haunt her more than jennie had in the past years.

chaeyoung had her trust, she had everything jisoo had a hard time giving out. that includes her heart. and a label.

and she was right to not have done so, and she hates that this is how it proves too. in the rain, waiting for the last pedestrian crossing so jisoo could finally know what her girlfriend was doing with the ex lover. she always had bad feelings, about everything and anything.

lisa was one of them, and she should've known better than to let chaeyoung go.

as soon as the symbols changed, jisoo rushed across the street to the house of lisa after sooyoung sent her the address. it felt familiar, and she knew it instantly when she recognized the front yard of the property closely to the memory of her party when she bumped into jennie.

the first party, the party now—it was lisa's house. chaeyoung was familiar with her way around that night because it was lisa's house and she clearly had been over more than just a few party nights.

jisoo couldn't move from her spot from the front of the house, her feet glued to the floor. it wasn't because she was anxious of the party, it was what she might find inside. what if the corner she turns she sees chaeyoung? what would she do then?

she doesn't have an exact plan to begin with, but as soon as the front door of the house flings open—it was like it didn't matter anyways.

chaeyoung. all over lisa.

arms around her neck, light contact between their lips and smiles of awkwardness when they parted. jisoo wished the light wasn't so bright so that she could tell what the dreadful scene looked like in front of her. she could describe it so clearly. even the mutters of an 'i love you' was clear too despite the heavy rain. it was too long, too painful, and much too late.

jisoo could watch the transition of happiness in the pairs' faces when they turned to look at jisoo who was alone in the rain. hair a complete mess, clothes were drenched compared to the perfect two under the roof of the porch. this was almost a perfect scene for any filmmaker to catch—but it wasn't a film.

it was real.


she could hear the soft calling of chaeyoung's voice, the trembling jisoo wanted to hear and expected to hear too. lisa was yet to comprehend, after all she broke not only jennie but jisoo too. she deserved an achievement for breaking two kims in a row.

"chu.. this.. it's a misunderstanding. it was a goodbye.. a goodbye formal kiss thing.. you know?"

"yeah.. yeah, of course. its always a misunderstanding, isn't it chaeyoung?"

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