f. love me, not her

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a/n : ayay guys i hope you're all preparing for the angst that's building from here on <33

"that's the last of my bags, thanks."

jisoo could only smile and nod as jennie goes on with her thanking for everything she's done for her since her healing process. she didn't really expect for the day to finally come, to be honest she didn't want the day to come at all anyways, but she knows that when jennie finally moves out it means she's finally better.

she feels better.

she can move on now.

but jisoo didn't know what to say this feeling was. she didn't want jennie to leave, because it's been awhile since she has lived alone but at the same time she wants jennie to feel comfortable back at her place again too. and jisoo didn't want jennie to move on, because now she could go back to loving everyone but her and it upsets her.

yet, always at the same time, she's more than happy that she finally left the one who broke her first. but she knows it hurts a lot when she even thought she visualized a tally mark on her wrist at some point.

"so.. uh.. is-is this it?"

"well, we could hang out still, right? i mean, you usually work in the mornings and the first parts of the afternoon so.. it doesn't affect much. plus, my working hours are mainly during the evening."

jisoo and jennie usually never had the time to hang out no matter how many times jennie goes over their schedules that match up. because there just isn't too much time for the two. and jennie has other friends.

who does jisoo even have anyways?

"i suppose-"

her voice gets cut off when her phone goes off, hurriedly taking it out to see who texted her.

i'm on my way !! <33

"do you want to hang out later? i don't have work, maybe we could eat out at some resturaunt down the city?"

"i- uh- i kinda have plans with chaeyoung.. later. i don't think i can."

it was probably a bad idea for jisoo to say specifically who it was, but she didn't want to hide things.. or anything, from jennie. besides, she gets nosy when she can. even if she doesn't, she somehow always gets what she wants out of jisoo's mouth.

the older simply watched how jennie's once normally reserved face shape into her usual un-readable expressions that jisoo never knows what to say about. her eyes had held some sort of emotion she doesn't know if she saw before, but she chooses not to question what she was feeling. she might as well avoid another mistake.

every single time she makes that face, it seems to distort more into some sort of pain.

"what time?"

jennie coldly questions, crossing her arms.

"it should be until 5:30."

"then i'll wait for you. 6:00 at centre park. we'll go on from there."

"but jennie-"

"be. there."

and just like that, jennie doesn't give jisoo a chance to speak about anything on her behalf as she slips into her car parked right in front of her driveway. she couldn't say anything. she didn't know what she would say though, because she couldn't just decline her offer.

this was jennie she was dealing with too.

not only that, but she believes the only reason she wanted to try and say something was because it was way too uncharacteristic of her. but then again, she never acts like herself whenever something goes down with jisoo and chaeyoung at all.

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