p. two minus one

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a/n : stream pink venom yo !! and i didn't realize most of my last updates were literally from 2020 so this is me making up for them LMAOO we're halfway there to the end omg

"you can always stay here, jisoo."

"it's fine, i have work early morning tomorrow. apparently i have the opening shifts now all of a sudden."

"mm.. i can drive you home?"

"how thoughtful. goodnight, jennie."

their conversations were often like this nowadays, where jisoo would leave jennie's house at exactly 12:01am when neither of them can keep their eyes open. jennie would try to convince her to stay, but it's almost like the universe didn't want her to stay since she always had something early morning. such as this, where her working hours changed to the opening hours instead.

she never had opening shifts ever since she started, so it was a bit strange to get them abruptly. especially since she heard from a coworker through text that chaeyoung told them to pass it on.


it was the first time she actually said the girl's name in her head or even out loud since jennie saw the notification pop up as well. she didn't forget about her, but she had been doing better than before that she never crossed her mind.

it should be a good sign, she means, considering that she could really use days worth of not thinking about her.

jisoo gave this thought the night she drove home from jennie, and even more consideration when she was heading to the coffee shop. it felt almost unnatural for chaeyoung to avoid her like this, being that she was quite the stubborn person who refuses to leave.

even during their countless arguments when they were dating, she always blew up her phone with anything possible to grab her attention. so for her to finally avoid jisoo..

the girl believes she should be feeling happy about this though, so why isn't she doing that? perhaps she felt some sort of remorse for the girl, maybe she just hated the fact that chaeyoung chose her to use. then again, she was the one who offered it! the one who insisted on using each other to heal!

the more jisoo tried to think of the negatives, the more she somehow found herself feeling worse for the other. she wonders if it was fair in the end that she was the only one who healed while the other was still picking up her broken pieces.


"yeah, didn't you hear? chaeyoung took a sudden leave a few days ago, she said she won't be in until the end of the month."

was this suppose to help her figure out what she was feeling towards the girl? it was the first set of news she has heard of the other and it was probably the worse she could ever receive. a vacation? out of nowhere? she even told jisoo that she didn't want to go back to australia for a little while since she had just gone back a year ago.

or.. that's what she told her, at least.

"she gave serious instructions though, like.. don't contact her.. don't call her.. don't really reach out to her unless it's an emergency. i mean, isn't that crazy?"

"she only told you?"

"said so at least, but she told me to pass it onto you so that means you didn't get one.. right?"

jisoo only nodded, trying to take in the sudden information that chaeyoung passed on to everyone but her. she wasn't exactly mad, but now a bit suspicious of the fact that the girl couldn't even tell her something relating to work.

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