u. please use me like a drug

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a/n : hello my lomls !! would just like to let you know i've started another new other story alongside "cruel summer" that has just started going !

the first one is "the happiest girl", where it's another jensoo angst story based on the trope of exes to lovers. it's planned to be around the same length as yellow lights and focuses a lot on the development of jensoo's relationship, but if you're willing to give it a shot, try to go look at it ily guys <33 !!

fifteen minutes. again. does that count as an angel number? fifteen?

exactly from the moment that jisoo let jennie into her house to pulling out a chair at the table, telling her to take a seat and make herself at home. exactly from the moment that jennie last looked at jisoo before she said "okay" and wouldn't move her eyes from the one corner on the table. exactly from the moment that jisoo took the seat across from jennie, the exact same spots they were in when they first fought a long time ago, jisoo didn't say anything.

she didn't offer anything, no food no drinks. no questions, no words at all. she knew if she said something, she'd mess with jennie's perfectly planned out mind.

it would ruin it. if it was ruined, she wouldn't be able to say what she wanted to say. and jisoo surely wanted to hear everything.


but it took long. that's where the fifteen minutes came from. this specific silence between her, jennie and the table that kept them away from each other.

she knew the latter wasn't in a bad mood, rather, she didn't even seem to be in any kind of specific mood. like it was constantly shifting. back and forth, she couldn't quite put together what she was feeling, and she would end up at the same square.. again.

so, jisoo stays quiet. patiently. she's always been like that with jennie, patiently waiting in many different ways.

the fifteen minutes dragged longer when jennie finally looked up to meet with jisoo who was staring at the top of her head the entire time. there was nothing left in her eyes. she looked almost desperate. or tired. or empty. perhaps all three if that were possible.

and that's the only reason why jisoo decides to talk first. because she, too, was desperate, tired and empty.

"i must've scared you away.. that night.. sorry."

the same way she approached chaeyoung, she approached jennie as a way to ease into the point of the conversation. but unlike the other, jennie didn't say anything right away. she only stared back.

"i didn't mean to force my feelings onto you, it was a.. heat in the moment, type of.. thing. and if i hurt you before that too, i'll be honest i-"

"i'm.. sorry. too."

as if it was stuck in jennie's throat, she finally let it go at last. her first words to jisoo in so long.

'i'm sorry.'

"i shouldn't have forced you to be honest with me. if you weren't ready, then you weren't ready and i get that. and i'm sorry for.. bitching at you, or whatever, before everything. i just.. i don't know why i get like that."

"it's- it's fine. really."

"are you sure?"

"..yeah. yeah, of course."

and again, like that was the most easiest thing in the world, they forgave each other. jisoo never planned on not forgiving jennie in the first place anyways, she cared too much to turn her back on her. even if jennie did it in the first place, jisoo was always the one waiting for her to come home.

✓  yellow lights, jensooWhere stories live. Discover now