o. i like you the way you like me.

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"jisoo are you ready!?"

"i can't find my phone!"

"it's here, idiot!"

it's been exactly three days since jisoo broke up with chaeyoung, she knows this well because jennie made it sound like it was a horrible anniversary. it wasn't like she was constantly saying the girl's name, it was more of..

that specific girl hasn't called you yet.

good, she's not texting you for two days in a row.

her loss, for real!

to be honest, jisoo would've felt hurt by hearing all of this; but for now, she supposed to let it slide. she knows that holding onto chaeyoung would be too much, at the same time moving on too fast would make her overthink everything. there had to be an in between.

that's where jennie was, jisoo thought.

"hey, i just finished checking our reservations, we should get going"

is what jennie says with a smile as jisoo made her way down the stairs. the two planned to hang out together at the restaurant near their favourite corner spot, a place they haven't been to yet though dying to have been wanting to go ever since. finally, after solving all of their mishaps, they would be able to go out like they use to do.

no distractions.

no person in between.

it would solely just be her and jennie. for some reason it scared her when she said that alone too, sending small shivers along her arms. she supposes she was always use to saying someone else after jennie's name, or that she was prepared to add another person into the sentence at any given moment too. this time around, it seemed that it wasn't the case and it put jisoo into an uncomfortable ease for the first time.

at the same time too though, she found it a bit exciting to go through such a feeling after all.

"okay, let's get going-"

"why do you look like that?"

jennie abruptly spoke, her gaze darting straight towards the top of jisoo's head as the older paused almost immediately as if she was just caught by the police. like.. that?

"like what?"

now it was jisoo's turn to question her as she gazed at jennie who simply kept her lips sealed for the first minute or so with an unreadable expression. it wasn't like she was wearing anything grand, she simply wore her favourite brown dress with a small black beanie that she bought two years ago. her hair was perfectly straight and she put perfume on too! oh wait.. did she?

the two stared at each other for a good while, but before jisoo could give up and turn around to get her shoes, jennie finally began to step forward towards her. they were small steps, but her eyes were still set to the top of jisoo's head as she didn't dare to move—otherwise, she had a feeling jennie wouldn't continue whatever she was set on and she'd forever be left in confusion. the brunette was now only a few steps in front of jisoo, staying quiet for the next few seconds before reaching up to comb a few strands of hair behind her ear.


"your hair was falling out of place."

jennie innocently replies with before pushing past jisoo's shoulder to sit at the ledge of the stairs to comfortable put her shoes on. jisoo had a habit of her ears turning red whenever she got a bit more than just embarrassed and flustered, and she had a strong feeling the other knew that too. she could practically feel her ears burning up by the minute just replaying the scene of jennie pushing her hair back behind her ear.

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