w. ilyt.

386 18 3

the days seemed to be brighter now that she thought about it. jisoo saw her world just a bit brighter. would that be an understatement to say the least? perhaps it was.

let's try that again.

jisoo's world was practically bursting with all sorts of colors ever since her and jennie decided to make everything official. between them. between everything that's been left unsaid, misconceptions, and all the delays that they've put off until now. everything was finally coming true. everything was true.

jisoo won the person she's been pining over.

and fairly enough, it felt like it was harder to grasp than she thought. one of the easiest things to accept was that she was no longer a single, but a duo. a duo with her favorite person, jennie kim.

jennie's name sounded amazing next to hers wherever they went.

jisoo and jennie.

jennie and jisoo.

the two kims.

the kims.

she liked the sound of it, and it felt different compared to when they were merely just friends. this time, they were more than just something. they were together. no.. it felt more than just together.

she felt like she finally found her soulmate. the one the universe had created just to fit with her imperfect puzzle pieces, and together they made their own masterpiece in itself. they were everything together. and she loved the idea of knowing it too.

now that jisoo had jennie, her days were now altered to be with the other—not like they weren't together that often anyways since they first got together. most of the time, jennie was there to visit jisoo at her work.

she'd always pick the seat closest to the cashier just so she can lovingly admire the other one. she wouldn't do much except if she brought a friend or had extra work to focus on, and would simply switch between gazing outside and gazing at jisoo.

that was her favorite pastime, she'd say.

often times, quite obviously too, jennie would send a glare towards chaeyoung's way. the younger girl had started going to work around the following week since the two had started dating, and jennie didn't enjoy it at first. of course, she had to learn to accept it for two of the following obvious reasons.

one of them, chaeyoung worked at the same place jisoo did. that was probably the main reason as to why jennie even tried to tolerate her in the first place since she came back. she can't really do much there considering chaeyoung quite literally needed to work at the place.

chaeyoung always noted the glares though, but didn't pay it much mind. instead, she turned it into teasing sessions against jisoo when they'd be out of sight as she'd poke fun into the older's jealous girlfriend.

for the first time in a while, though it might've went unseen by chaeyoung but clearly to jisoo, was that these moments were something she'd cherish the most. where jennie and chaeyoung could co-exist in the same time, at the same place, and not rip the other into shreds.

or perhaps that was more on jennie's side than chaeyoung's.

either way, jisoo would simply take small moments out of her day to watch chaeyoung serve the table behind jennie's and see them enjoy their own peace.

"here's your tea ma'am."

"here's your tea ma'am- stupid polite manners."

jennie was still working on her ability to not insult chaeyoung for every little thing she does, and frankly enough, she's gotten better. over the last few days, at least.

jisoo was still over the moon about it nonetheless, hoping much that this would just mean a step closer to them possibly growing a better friendship. someday. clearly not right now, but someday.

and once the day is over, and when jennie wouldn't be working, they'd spend every single night at jisoo's apartment. figuring as much that both of them feel more comfortable at the familiar place, they spent most of the time there and every now and then at jennie's.

it didn't matter where they spent it of course, jisoo being with jennie is enough for her as it is.

"oh come on! this is the fifth time!"

"i didn't know you were this bad at super smash bros..."

tonight, they spent it playing games on jisoo's tv. of course.. they didn't do it as often because jennie had a bad temper.

and she sucked at games.

and she struggles with the controls for half an hour.

and.. a few other things that hinder even playing the game in the first place. they don't actually begin to play anything until an hour and a half later once jennie finally memorizes how to use what, but jisoo doesn't mind.

jennie took time to learn something jisoo loved. she made sure to remember those kinds of things in the back of her mind.



"i have a crush on you"

and when jisoo doesn't know how to properly say all the words that bubble up inside of her, they leave as corny, almost cringeworthy, lines. they prick at jennie's soft heart easily, making her probably more lovesick than she thought she originally was. each and every horrible line she says, meant ten times as much in its own way.

but jennie doesn't let jisoo win like that. it was normal, one of the only things that never changed despite them dating.

"we're literally dating, jisoo."

"i know! isn't that cool?"

she'd grin stupidly at her, turning her attention back towards the tv as she fiddled around with her controller in hand. that's when jisoo would like to think that jennie is staring at her, speechlessly. she has that look on her face, the one where she's scrunching her nose, rolling her eyes, and muttering some kind of word under her breath.

it's always in english, jisoo still has to brush up on hers to understand her still.

and once she's finishing talking to herself, she leaned her head on her shoulder, simply drifting away from the game. jisoo knows she'd fallen asleep completely once the character on the screen stopped moving and hers is staring straight at her.

or kicking its ass, one or the other.


jisoo would joke, something she'd always say when jennie would fall asleep first and early whenever she'd stay over. she didn't mean it though, of course.

because if she did, she wouldn't be unmoving from her own spot, unwilling to get up and move things around. she didn't have the heart to wake the sleeping jennie up, nor had the heart to move her from a comfortable position. the floor was quite comfortable after all.

instead, jisoo would just playfully run around on the screen, figuring something out before she, too, passes out from boredom. she didn't have anything better to do, but wasting time beside jennie sounded like a good pastime.

for a long time.

even if it wasn't a pastime, even doing it for fun, jisoo didn't mind it.

that's why she says it.

"i think i love you, jennie"

one of the few, quite rare times that she expresses how she feels in a serious matter. without laughing, without a punchline, without mentioning a corny line to follow through with it. it was a genuine confession. the first time either one of them said such words to the other person.

but jennie couldn't have heard it. maybe that's why jisoo said it.

when she couldn't have said something back.

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